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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300340-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1948
Country: France,Germany,Italy,Turkey,USA
Location: Berlin,DC,Fontainebleau,NYC,Paris,Washington
TC Begins: 01:00:10
TC Ends: 01:10:00
Duration: 00:09:50
Cold War Documentary, 1950s - USA: NATO history, Marshall Plan Establishment 1948 Montage: American harbor, monument building & tilt down to stone: Mayflower 1620; NYC skyscrapers; grain combines harvesting; US Capitol; George C. Marshall to Congress committee SOF: “The whole situation is critical in the extreme, but there’s no doubt whatever in my mind that if we decide to do this thing we can do it successfully, and there’s also no doubt in my mind that the whole world hang’s in the balance as to what it is to be in connection to what we are endeavoring to put forward here. Thank you.” 01:01:00 17Mar48 President Truman motorcade arriving at Capitol, speaks to Joint Session of Congress: “I am here today to report to you on the critical nature of the situation in Europe & to recommend action for your consideration. (edit) I believe that it must be the policy of the United States (edit).” 01:01:28 Montage: Paris meeting of diplomats including Molotov discussing use of aid; Berlin Communist parade. Molotov leads Polish & Czechoslovakian delegates out of Paris Conference. Ship unloading tractor, bags of food, grain, flour in cartons labeled “furnished by USA”, etc. People watch giant steel production press passing on enormous trailer. 01:02:37 Paris. Organization for European Economic Cooperation is set up as council for 16 nations to coordinate Marshall Plan aid; delegates meeting. Unloading cotton from railroad cars in the Netherlands; looms working; carbon black & manufacturing of tires; sulfur unloaded in France & fertilizing wine vineyards. 01:03:23 Massey Harris tractor plowing in Turkey; steel rivets in Italy shipyard activity; spraying against Malaria & disease; rural doctors & clinics w/ children posing. 01:04:08 Chalk “Down With The Marshall Plan”; people demonstrating & rioting; destroyed railroad equipment. Brussels street scenes, meeting signing Brussels Treaty by 5 countries; military planning meeting at Fontainebleau, France. 01:05:17 Montage: Animated map of Europe focusing on Berlin. Sectors & soldiers; Blockade & Berlin Airlift flights. Building construction; Europeans reading newspapers. Signing of North Atlantic Treaty / NATO. 01:06:28 Communist parade against NATO w/ youth, workers, placards & banners. Military cemetery w/ CU of namers on grave markers. Delegates at NATO meeting. Paris cafes; posters re Eisenhower; his arrival in Paris. Ike, Alliance military staff meeting. 01:08:01 Ship winches & loading barrels into ship; military goods arriving & soldiers off ship. Military training; military base construction w/ heavy equipment. Agriculture delegations arriving to visit & meeting locals. 01:09:14 Excavating for large concrete dam w/ workers & concrete pouring. LS of large factories, interiors w/ looms working, employee cafeteria; machinists. North Atlantic Military Alliance Basis; Post-WW2; US Anti-Communist Propaganda; North Atlantic Treaty Organization Founding; Anti-Communism;