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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220499-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1912
Country: Russia,USA
Location: Moscow,St. Petersburg
TC Begins: 03:31:28
TC Ends: 03:34:39
Duration: 00:03:11
1912 - Russian Priests Blessing Laying of Brick; Members of Duma; Automobile Racer; Fire Damage; Expedition; Students & VIPS Russian Main Title. 03:31:29 Russian Inter-title: August 1912 A memorial is blessed and started in memory of an artist. (?) 03:31:34 Priest holds mirror or icon as priest blesses; before other priests & women, boys, men. Woman laying brick or cornerstone. 03:31:49 Russian Inter-titles: Members of the Duma - Guchkov (Octoberist), Chelnokov, Faltsfein, Vladimir Lisichkin and ??. 03:31:59 Pan six men in suits wearing medals on chains around neck posing. 03:32:04 Russian Inter-title: Moscow, 09Sep12 Death of A. N. Konshin. 03:32:10 Men around race car, driver behind wheel; crowd applauds. 03:32:21 Russian Inter-title: (?) 03:32:29 People walking on plank walks on muddy ground. US flag flying from pole; tents around, boat on river behind. Banner or sign in French for Gabriel Deshayes Vins. Small buildings w/ Telephone Public sign, firemen carrying table & ?? out of wooden building adjacent. Men standing looking past tent or ?? Eary biplane over river in background. Pan to crowd on riverbank. Amphibious plane low towards water. 03:33:02 Russian Inter-title: America the aftermath of a fire. 20 homes destroyed. 03:33:11 Huge smoking fire wreckage inspected by men, fire hoses across it. Firemen hosing down wreckage. 03:33:30 Russian Inter-title: St. Petersburg- Captain Thomas Fleming Day arrives from Europe 03:33:36 Heavily loaded small boat, Detroit, along river (?) w/ USA flag on stern. Men hosing down boat (?). Men leaving dock. Three men MCU. 03:34:06 Russian Inter-title: Moscow 09Aug12 (?) 03:34:11 Students / men in suits & jackets arriving; boarding carriages & leaving. GOOD. The End. Firsts; Seconds; Distance; Expedition; Dangers; Politics; Upper Duma; NOTE: Captain Thomas Fleming Day sailed 02Jul12, on 35 ft. Detroit, from Detroit, Michigan thru Erie Canal & Hudson River and the Atlantic w/ crew: Walter Moreton, Charles E. Earle, William Newstead & Day. It was powered by 16 hp Scripps engine w/ 7 gas tanks measuring 8’ x 2’ in diameter. The boat was built by William E. Scripps to prove the reliability of the internal combustion engine. A kerosene powered 38 ft boat, the Abiel Abbot Low, had previous crossed the Atlantic in 1902.