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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220494-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914,1915
Country: Austria,England,France,Poland,Russia,United Kingdom
Location: London,Moscow,Przemysl
TC Begins: 22:24:02
TC Ends: 22:28:06
Duration: 00:04:04
1915 ca - WWI - England; British Sector; French Sector & Wounded; POWs thru city Russian main title & inter-title: London: British ladies showing sympathy to the children of Belgian refugees 22:24:14 Women w/ kids, playing w/ them outside large building. Nun & women walking w/ small girls alongside building. 22:24:55 Russian inter-title: At the British sector of the Front 22:24:59 WW1 - British officer in trench looking into a periscope (view thru scope / matte of barren trees; officer brings telephone on wire, speaking into field telephone. Officer folds up periscope & puts leaves. 22:25.57 View from in front of trench & barrier of branches, periscope raised & removed. MCU assembling or folding scope. 22:26:22 Russian flash inter-title: At the French sector of the front Medical / hospital train, officers watching & medics w/ injured on stretchers loaded on board. Interior, loading litters onto racks. 22:26:54 Russian inter-title: Moscow - Austrian (?) POWs from Przemysl march thru city 22:26:57 Large wide city street lined w/ people as many POWs marched after troops thru street w/ cyrillic signs. VERY GOOD shot of prisoners of war; WWI; 1910s; Orphans (?); NOTE: Siege of Przemysl lasted from 24Sep14 to 22Mar15.