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1928-1930 - Exploration, Antarctica: Commander Byrd, First Antarctica Expedition, 1928-30 R1 of 5

Reel Number: 220507-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1928,1929,1930

Country: Antarctica,USA

Location: Antarctica

TC Begins: 22:00:26

TC Ends: 22:10:24

Duration: 00:09:58

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1928-1930 - Exploration, Antarctica: Commander Richard Byrd’s Expedition w/ Gould & 5 companions Unedited footage of expedition. Ca Nov29. Dogs, huskies in camp w/ skis standing in snow, men gather harnesses; take bricks of food from sled & feed dogs, MCU. CU Dog gnawing on brick. 22:01:18 Man w/ shovel in front of tent prepares snow in pan to melt for water, puts on stove & carries into tent. MLS of camp tents, men out & into one tent. 22:02:33 Camp in blowing snow, men hooking dogs to sleds; CU hands & tying rope. Blizzard aftermath w/ dogs half-buried in snow w/ blowing snow in sunshine. 22:03:19 Fairchild FC-2W2, NX8006, light plane flies over camp. 22:03;28 Camp w/ tents whipped in wind & rocky mountains behind. LS pans of camp w/ snow covered mountains behind. Men moving about & leaving w/ dogsleds. LS men, dogs & sleds beside tents. 22:04:41 Men attaching / tying cramp-ons on boots. LS walking up snow field. 22:04:53 MS man kneeling on rocks w/ pack beside & making notes w/ compass. Man taking rock sample. Men dipping drinking water from container beside sled. MS dogs resting & looking around. GOOD. 22:06:33 Men setting up tents; w/ radio transmitter & cranking generator as man operates telegraph key. Men taking location w/ tripod mounted sextant / instrument. CU plotting on map. 22:08:00 Men walk w/ ice axes & planting small American flag. CU map showing location of Little America, etc. 22:08:32 Men, dogs & sleds l. to r. in MLS. 22:08:52 Ca 25Dec29 Men at rock cairn / pile of rocks; remove hats. Men remove large metal bucket from rocks & Lawrence Gould removes message from smaller tin can. 22:09:48 CU message dated 14-16th December, 1911 left by Roald Amundsen party. Man replaces message in can. Firsts; Antarctica Expeditions; Geological Party; Survey; Explorers; Weather; Cold; 1929; Work Animals; Sledge; Queen Maud Mountains; NOTE: Amundsen & four others reached the South Pole 14Dec11 NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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