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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220659-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968,1960s,1970s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 04:00:20
TC Ends: 04:14:25
Duration: 00:14:05
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1968 - Colour, USA: Military Training Film Pt. 1 of 2 Soldiers on patrol in forest. Two soldiers sitting on ground talking, see raccoon, one soldier starts coughing & the other immediately takes out protective mask. Sergeant says its his hayfever & to listen to the birds. 3rd soldier joins them. Narration says the reason why one soldier is so nervous is that his division has sustained casualties from chemical & biological operations. 04:01:55 Title. 04:02:04 Patrol stops for break in forest. Soldiers relax by trees. 04:02:43 Flare on film to simulate nuclear explosion. Soldiers fall on ground; talk about “making it out.” 04:03:26 Graphic explaining effects of nuclear burst / explosion; spread of radiation. 04:04:29 Patrol in woods - film shows what each soldier did during nuclear explosion to survive - diving into ditch - lying flat on ground. Re-enactment of soldier caught in open - screaming, running, collapses on ground. 04:05:43 Soldier on radiotelephone. Soldier looks at “dead“ casualty. 04:06:40 CU of meter dial. Checking for radiation levels w/ Radiac meter / gauge. Soldier checks wind direction, decides squad may receive fallout from blast. 04:07:09 CU watch: 12:12 SOF Sgt orders men to dig in. Sergeant on radio-telephone - reports nuclear blast & is told to expect fallout. 04:08:21 Patrol digging in. Black soldier check radiation levels. Sergeant orders patrols into foxholes and to take cover from fallout. Soldiers in dugouts. CU dial on watch showing 01:00 / one o’clock. 04:09:57 Soldiers in foxhole. Soldier takes pocket dosimeter out to measure radioactivity received by personnel. Two soldiers in foxhole, one wants to get out but is stopped by other. 04:10:39 Watch: 02:00 & Radiac meter aka Radiation level meter - soldier monitoring radiation; watch jumps ahead to show decay of radiation. Patrol out of foxholes remove contaminated soil at edges. Pocket dosimeter checked. Patrol standing in dugouts to afford some protection. 04:12:04 Taking water from enclosed canteens & eating canned food. Sergeant on field telephone is told a biological attack has occurred. 04:12:51 All soldiers put on protective clothing / masks. Back into foxholes & covered. Food buried. 04:14:07 Soldier drinking water from canteen thru straw like adaptor in mask. Night, patrol still wearing masks. Continued... 1960s; 1978; Cold War; Military Training Film; Nuclear War; Chemical Weapons; Biological Weapons; NOTE: If requested will provide any continuous 15 minutes of 04:00:20 - 04:27:56 (2 cards). NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: