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1968 ca - Colour, USA Government Training Film: Individual Protection Against Chemical & Biological Operations & Nuclear Warfare Pt 2 of 2

Reel Number: 220659-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1968,1960s,1970s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 04:14:25

TC Ends: 04:27:56

Duration: 00:13:31

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1968 - Colour, USA: Military Training Film Pt. 2 of 2 Continued... Man removes mask to smoke cigarette risking contamination. Soldier on field telephone - ordered to move out. 04:15:52 Patrol put markers on trees showing contamination areas. 04:16:35 Patrol still wearing masks moving forward. Sergeant decides it is safe to unmask for meal break. The soldier who risked all for cigarette is sick. 04:17:57 Troops boiling cans - drinking water. 04:18:26 Pan around area, patrol are on top of mound offering good vision & protection against ambush. Sentry who was exposed to biological attack now very ill, collapses on ground. 04:18:56 Aerial above three aircraft spraying chemicals. Soldiers in foxholes put on masks & protective capes. Soldier who did not have mask at hand runs to get it & is overcome by effects of nerve agent. 04:19:55 Medic injects three injections / shots of atrophine to counter effects. Artificial respiration carried out. Patrol puts on gloves, uses skin decontamination pads on exposed skin. Contaminated soldier now dead. 04:21:41 Soldier testing clothes for contamination by using powder that changes Colour. Contaminated areas of material cut away. Area re-dusted. Watch: 06:00. 04:23:04 Man giving himself injection of atrophine. Contaminated man shaking on ground - given third injection & artificial resuscitation. 04:24:28 Watch: 06:35. Patrol moves out carrying casualty on stretcher. Sentry who sneaked cigarette dies. Patrol ends duty, pan patrol members. 04:26:07 Summary of events and precautions to be taken. 04:27:43 The End. 1960s; Cold War; Military Training Film; Nuclear War; Chemical Weapons; Biological Weapons; NOTE: If requested will provide any continuous 15 minutes of 04:00:20 - 04:27:56 (2 cards). NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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