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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220587-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1937
Country: France,Netherlands,Switzerland
Location: Geneva,Hague,Versailles
TC Begins: 14:38:41
TC Ends: 14:50:21
Duration: 00:11:40
The League of Nations At Work R1 of 2 Overview of League's inception with explanation of its various departments and functions. 14:38:51 Montage WWI artillery firing, explosion, ruins, war graves w/ VO re Woodrow Wilson's principles for a League of Nations. Arrivals for Versailles conference of delegates including President Wilson & wife. 14;39:40 Entering room. Great Hall. Map showing League members. 14:40:31 Title: Here are some of the pioneers... Wilson reading newspaper; Leon Bourgeois (France); Lord Balfour. Hjalmar Branting ( Sweden ), Gustav Stresemann, Germany; Fridjt Nanson, Norway; Aristide Briand, France; Albert Thomas, Dir. International Labour Office; Albert Apponyi, Hungary; Vittorio Scialoja, Italy; and Iguaz Seipel, Austria. 14:41:27 CU ship’s steam whistle blowing. 3-stack liner. Optical montage w/ title Geneve. Four-engine passenger plane in flight, repeat optical w/ excursion boat. 14:41:49 Aerials of Geneva, view from Lake of old building; moving to new League of Nations building at end of this year. Pan & aerials of the building from biplane showing Secretariat Chamber, Counsel Chamber, Assembly Hall & Committee Rooms & Library. Plane wing in corner of frame in some shots. 14:43:18 League members arriving by car at the Assembly for the last time before moving. Swiss policeman on duty. More delegates arrive. Interior hall - assembly meeting in progress. 14:44:23 Empty rooms of Council w/ horseshoe shaped table. Council in session. Delegates leave after meeting including Maxim Maksimovitch Litvinov, Russia / USSR. 14:45:22 Title. Press operations w/ journalists, committee rooms w/ notice board. Reporters talk to Pierre Laval, France. Telephone booths. Bar - journalists drinking. Newspaper stand. Cafe w/ waitresses. 14:47:16 The Secretariat, the international Civil Service. Typists pool, women collating speeches for distribution. Secretary General Joseph Avenol at his desk in office. 14:48:02 International Labour Organization, ext. buildings & interiors w/ delegates & others. 14:49:00 Permanent Court of International Justice in the Hague. Exteriors. 14:49:38 Department of Finances. Secretary General, the Treasurer, Seymour Jacklin. Group in garden, man speaking in French, English subtitles re finance. Delegates; Diplomats; Architecture; ca 1937;