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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220571-17
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1936
Country: West Indies Jamaica Cuba
Location: Kingston Havana
TC Begins: 22:17:56
TC Ends: 22:25:41
Duration: 00:07:45
Southward to the Sun Reel 4 Kingston Jamaica - shot from ship in harbour. Young boy paddling in native boat. Street scenes - cars - tree lined street - policeman on point duty - traffic. Pedestrians, locals and tourists. Women carrying bundles / baskets on heads. Street market. 22:19:10 Myrtle Bank Hotel - pan down building 22:19:35 Banana plantation - tropical gardens. Orchids in Hope Gardens CU flowers. Two Black boys in cart. 22:20:30 Tourists making last minute purchases on dock side in front of ship / liner. Local man with parrot. Tourists carrying souvenirs - large woven baskets. 22:21:20 Setting sail from Jamaica, shots from ship as leaving harbour. 22:21:55 Havana - Cuba - tracking shot city showing imposing buildings. The Capitol building. Beautiful building which houses telephone exchange. Maine monument. Casino exterior - famous fountain with naked statues. Presidential palace. Morro Castle - lighthouse and entrance to harbour. 22:23:50 Carnival. Open topped cars full of girls in costumes. Floats - celebrations. Good close ups girls on floats. 22:25:00 Cruise ship at sea returning to New York. Shots New York skyline from ship. Titles advertising Hamburg-American Line; North German Lloyd Cruise; Travelogue; Tourism; 1930s;