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WWI - 1916, Documentary: War As It Really Is R5 of 7

Reel Number: 220711-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1916,1914-1916

Country: Belgium,France

Location: Barleux,Hardecourt,Picardie,Picardy

TC Begins: 10:44:07

TC Ends: 11:02:07

Duration: 00:18:00

WWI - R5 of 7 Title: “On the river Yser.” Pan over floating sections of wooden bridge into place after opening for boat. Gunboat w/ crew past on narrow canal section, POV into tunnel & out; crewman on radio-telephone, loading & firing barrage. 10:48:22 Shell casings stacked on river bank. 10:48;40 Title: “Guns are well hidden.” Large camouflaged railroad gun fired & reloaded w/ winch. 10:50:32 Title: “Setting Barleux on fire.” Large railroad gun w/ camouflage paint fired. Smoke from burning village. 10:51:16 Title: “The Curtain of Fire - Millions of shells...smashing the German circle...” LS across field, & trenches w/ smoke rising from explosions. 10:52:01 Title: “The Famous French 75s firing eighteen shells a minute.” MCU Men loading & firing artillery. Artillery on rail or ?? recoiling after firing. 10:52:45 Title: “Trainloads of shells are returned every day to be reloaded.” Shells returned by train to be reloaded.” Men throwing empty casing from stack for loading into trucks. LS Field & explosions, men in trenches. 10:54:07 Title: “Communicating trench leading to French front line.” Men running thru narrow trench . 10:54:22 Title: “Waiting to attack.” Dug in artillery firing barrage during attack; various size guns firing. Men calm horses during explosions across field. 10:56:47 Flash title: “Big guns going into action.” Men pushing cans of black powder & large shells on carts on tracks to railroad gun. Firing large gun w/ recoil. Explosion seen. 10:57:51 Title: Transporting machine guns thru abandoned German trenches.” Men leading pack horses in trench; pack horses w/ riders seen across heavy destruction crossing field. 10:58:39 Title: “In The Trenches.” no picture. “Hardecourt” Extreme rubble w/ columns & some brick walls standing amid destruction. 10:59:03 Title: “Observation post.” Men in trenches, one at machine gun, one w/ periscope. 10:59:21 Title: “French Front line.” Officers look over map; talk. 10:59:39 Title: “German observation balloons.” Offices Looking at two German observation balloons. 10:59:56 Title: “Artillery headquarters.” Officers in doorway, salute. leave. In sandbagged trench looking at map. “New reinforced concrete trenches over 40 ft. deep.” Officers pose in concrete lined trench; walk out. 11:01:01 Title: “Clearing gas from trenches.” Soldier w/ gas mask pours gasoline on straw & lights. Man w/ backpack sprays water (?). “A deadly machine gun.” men w/ gun. “Steel observation tower.” Man gets in. WWI; WW1 Documentary; World War One Logistics; Ammunition; Decoys; Donald Thompson; 1916; NOTE: Not all inter-titles listed.

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