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{WWI - France w/ Aerials, Aviation, Trenches, Destruction

Reel Number: 220713-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1914-1918

Country: France

Location: Somme

TC Begins: 14:41:28

TC Ends: 14:51:21

Duration: 00:09:53

{WWI - France w/ Aerials, Aviation, Trenches, Destruction Aerial view of French army camp near the front line w/ tents, supplies & barracks. 14:42:40 Title: Loading bombs onto hydroplane. Men beside large biplane used by Royal Naval Air Service; folding wings while on deck of ship. Plane lifted from water by cable. 14:44:10 Aerials of steamers at anchor in harbor & view over city & small boats in harbor w/ oil slick. 14:44:48 Lifting plane w/ pontoon floats onto ships deck w/ crane. 14:45:21 Title: Hydroplane departing. Pusher prop on biplane w/ hull in water; biplane returns & lands. Aerial of hydroplane w/ floats. 14:46:25 Title: Charlie Chaplin Mascot On A French Aeroplane. Doll mounted on front of plane. 14:46:47 Title: Lunch in a second line trench. Portuguese (?) soldiers chow in trench. Man reading newspaper; telephone post in trench. Getting mail & on guard duty. 14:48:22 Title: Panorama of Maurepas. Wreckage & barren tree trunks. Ruined church at Freze. Soldiers’ graves buried where they fell w/ helmet on stick; makeshift grave markers. Large bomb crater & desolate scene of battle in the Somme, ruins near Esnes. Church tower wreckage. WWI Military destruction; War; Aviation; Celebrity;