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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1560-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942
Country: Germany,Italy,Malta,Russia,USSR
Location: Malta,North Africa
TC Begins: 13:10:22
TC Ends: 13:20:40
Duration: 00:10:18
WWII - 1942, Italians on Russian Front; North African Activities, 02May42 13:10:41 Russian Front: surveying snowy landscape; troops in white camouflage uniforms thru snow. Riflemen crawling up snow & firing rifles. Frozen bodies. Railroad yard w/ trucks on flatcars. 13:11:44 Airmen prepare; troops unload mounted truck tires from railroad cars & roll to storage area. Trucks thru snow storm. Mechanics march past; General Messe, Commander in Chief of the Expeditionary Forces arrives & inspects repair shops behind the front lines. 13:13:08 Trucks & horsedrawn hay wagons w/ troops thru mud of Spring thaw, streets and fields become a sea of mud. Soldier shovel to drain. Engineers string telephone lines; others reinforce or build bridges. Mud w/ motorcycle wagon thru; trucks pulled & stuck in mud. Women help build wooden plank road. 13:15:06 Northern Africa: Italian troops in narrow trenches, uncover camouflage netting from artillery pit; trucks & motorcycles across desert, troops out w/ rifles & small light artillery. Bersaglieri fighting / firing machine guns. 13:17:14 Aerial over planes on desert; large camouflaged transport plane (British?) & destroying fuel cans & barrels. Inspect damaged & wrecked planes. Airborne troops board plane; another unloaded w/ officers. 13:18:49 Raid on Malta: crew into plane, taking off from desert field & bombers & fighters in flight over Mediterannean & Malta. Plane w/ swastika; air-raid over Malta thru nose windows of bomber. Smoke rising. The End. WW2; Fighting; Battles; Italian Newsreel; Operation Barbaroso; Bersaglieri;