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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1683-18
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943,1944
Country: Germany,Italy
Location: Apennine Mountains,Campo imperatore,gran sasso,Monte Cassin,North Africa
TC Begins: 11:32:03
TC Ends: 11:39:18
Duration: 00:07:15
WWII - 1944 , German Documentary: Fallschirmjager - Sturmsodatern Dur Luft R2 of 2 (paratroopers) Men board planes, over water. Paratroopers inside plane prepare to jump, jump along coastal mountains & descending, landing in farm fields. Move to cover coastal road. Explosion in front of soldiers. 11:33:13 Montage: Victor Emmanuel monument; newspapers superimposed over Coliseum & street scenes. Italian troops on vehicles thru streets; King & General Badoglio pictures taken down; German officers in field reviewing troops in camouflage, w/ other officers on airfield. 11:33:44 Night, German troops along road. 11:33:52 Day & troops into back of trucks w/ rifles & ammunition, POV down road in Italian mountains; CU truck driver; vehicle slowly past officers talking on road by olive trees. Pan German planes on field, soldiers checking weapons on ground, men starting motors, torops into planes & military gliders pulled off by single engine small planes. 11:34:43 Air to air of gliders in flight. 11:34:50 Trucks w/ troops along mountain roads, POV. GOOD. 11:35:15 Trucks w/ troops, motorcycle w/ sidecar & soldier slowly thru deserted village & walking w/ weapons down street. Gran Sasso raid. Cable car wires across Apennine Mountain top valley, DSF 230 gliders circling overhead & landing. Soldiers out thru top & run across rocky plateau w/ peaks beyond. Large building / Campo Imperatore Hotel w/ gliders in field in front. MCU Troops on field telephones talking. POV on cable car. CUs gliders, building on top of peak. 11:36:19 12Sep43 MCU Mussolini w/ soldiers & officers following out of building, posing, smiling; boarding small plane (Fieseler Fi 156 C-3/Trop Storch STOL) & fastening seatbelt, troops wave goodbye. POV taking off & shadow of plane over rocky mountainside. Aerial of tail of plane w/ swastika. Small plane landing & Mussolini out, salutes. Mussolini into larger German twin-engine bomber & taxiing across field. Plane overhead. 11:37:39 Nazi military tri-motor plane taxiing to stop. Mussolini out of (different) tri-motor plane & greeted by Hitler, shaking hands. 11:37:57 Pan w/ title: Cassino over German troops firing from behind barriers & rocks. Destroyed large concret & brick monastery building. Watching from another peak & fortifications as clouds of smoke from bombing rises. CU soldiers watching, waiting. MCU of explosions; firing machines guns, crawling out; given orders to move up & running from building. CU firing mortars. Tank moving around & firing. 11:39:00 Paratroopers, CUs. preparing to jump. The End. WW2; Operation Eiche; Resuce; Special Forces; NOTE: May include Lt. Col. Otto Skorzeny, Major Harald Mors, Lt. Count Otto von Berlepsch in rescue party. NOTE: German paratroopers took up position in ruins of Monte Cassino abbey, 17Feb44. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.