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WWII - 1944, Conferences: London, European Advisory Committee; Dumbarton Oaks Economic Conference. Sep44

Reel Number: 220607-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944

Country: England,United Kingdom,USA,USSRUNITED KINGDOM

Location: Dumbarton Oaks,Washington, DC,London

TC Begins: 05:35:18

TC Ends: 05:44:37

Duration: 00:09:19

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1944, Conferences: London, European Advisory Committee; Dumbarton Oaks Economic Conference. Sep44 Exterior large building / Lancaster House - man walking across courtyard for meeting of European Advisory Commission. Two British soldiers pass across patrolling grounds. Rear view men walking into building. 05:36:21 Interior, men enter thru ornate dooway, include US Ambassador John Winant stop & talking w/ USSR Ambassador Fedor Tarasovich & William Strang (British Representative). 05.36.56 Int. Ca ten men, some military officers seated at large conference table w/ Tarasovich at head; delegates looking papers & talking. MCU Winant; MS & MCU Strang. CU Tarasovich. 05:39:39 Washington, DC. Dumbarton Oaks gate w/ Military Police guarding, car enters. CU plaque Dumbarton oaks. Mansion house & lawns as car up drive. LS thru trees as men up steps from drive & checked by MP; car leaving. MS men entering. 05:40:58 LS State Department building, people up steps & thru pillared entrance. 05:41:19 Interior, man goes thru louvered door no. 119. CU sign on wall: 119 Department of State Press Room. 05:41:34 Reporters sitting around playing chess, reading newspapers & on telephone. 05:42:28 MCU two men playing chess w/ man in background at typewriter. 05:42:42 LS of reporters, man enters & passes out report or press briefing, they look & talk. Repeated, they read & ask questions (more animated). 05:44:23 Two men using typewriters, typing quickly w/ single fingers WW2 Meetings; Representatives; Post-War Planning for Germany; NOTE: Dumbarton Oaks meeting (not shown) officially called Washington Conversations on International Peace And Security Organization; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Good coverage & exposure. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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