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WWII - 1944, France: Normandy Landing & Stormy Seas; Isigny, France Fires & Destruction 07-09Jun44

Reel Number: 250061-10

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944,

Country: France,USA

Location: Isigny,Normandy

TC Begins: 01:18:15

TC Ends: 01:30:07

Duration: 00:11:52

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1944, France: Normandy Landing & Stormy Seas; Isigny, France Fires & Destruction 07-09Jun44 INV 117 ca 07Jun44 Stormy seas w/ men in water & clinging to overturned landing craft, ships offshore. 01:18:31 View over shoulders of GIs w/ rifles looking out to water & craft; pan to pulling on line to overturned landing craft & men clinging. Rescued soldier helped ashore; naked man in life belt going into water & rubber raft to help; nearly drowned men helped out of life raft; artificial respiration. 01:19:25 Small ships side-by-side driven parallel to shore. Landing craft to shore & dropping front door, men seen in water behind. View of beach w/ bodies & debris. Landing craft battered onto beach. 01:20:32 Tanks up dune, men walking; digging foxholes. Wounded German & Americans. Searching German POWs, MCU. 01:21:38 INV 90 09Jun44 Isigny, France Heavy smoke & French getting belongings out of burning buildings, GIs watching. GIs firing rifles, GI on radio-telephone; stringing communications wire; wounded on medical jeep. GIs interviewing Frenchman, French soldiers listening. Shots of troops & civilians in heavily burning town w/ destroyed buildings (bombed?). Old woman wearing black coat & hat led by GI through rubble. More movement thru smoke. Destroyed Hotel De France. Captured Germans waiting under guard. French woman talking to GI. Old woman w/ cane hobbles past. Heavily burning tank by roadside, Truck w/ US soldiers past. 01:25:43 INV 89 Bulldozer on beach pulling earthmover w/ debris. GIs carrying things. Large landing barge loaded w/ men & equipment to shore; half-tracks slowly off into water. Slate: 09Jun45 Cameraman Vic. H. Tampone Location Road E1 Easy Red Beach. Barrage balloons over shore, much beach activity & men moving ashore; pan over water & ships. Prisoners rest on beach. Tanks, trucks & supplies below dunes. Fog & wind blowing shrubs. Red Cross men march towards beach as trucks & tanks move inland. Bulldozer pushing vehicle & equipment up road. 01:29:53 Wrecked equipment in pile. Trucks & vehicles moving over dunes. GOOD REEL. WW2 Normandy Invasion Beach Activity; Fighting; Prisoners of War; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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