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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1270-10
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Japan,USA
Location: IWO JIMA,Pacific
TC Begins: 13:08:25
TC Ends: 13:17:41
Duration: 00:09:16
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, Iwo Jima: Artillery Set Up & Firing, Supplying Ammo. 27-28Feb45 Marines unload large ammunition from back of truck. 13;08:37 Slate: Wilson - 3rd Mar Div Roll 18 Phase II. 27Feb45 Opp III D+8 3 Bat 12th Marines landed today setting up - 16H-M . Men passing ammunition from beside truck. MLS Large 105mm artillery being dug-in & preparing to fire & firing. 13:09:46 Slate: Same 17:00 D+8 Registering 105mm, firing; MCUs & CUs. Talker on phone. 13:10:20 Slate: 28Febrt 09:00 Location: 164:L 1st Bat. 12 Marines LS showing terrain locations. Volcano / Mt Suribachi in BG. Marines working w/ artillery under camouflage netting, cleaning gun. 13:11:08 Slate: Same 09:45 crews take breathing spell while the infantry (9?? Man w/ pick-ax digging; firing; LS past netting to ship offshore. Marines working in area & firing. 13:12:27 Slate: Wilson Roll 21 28Feb45 D+9 3rd Mr Div 10:00 75mm firing at enemy ammo dump. Gun crew under netting w/ ammunition sorted. LS firing. 13:13:06 Slate: Same 10:45 “following shots will be of 75mm guns of 1st & 2nd BAT 12th Mar ?? 13:13:08 C-47 airplane dropping small parachutes, several passes; tank, jeep & truck moving along road. 13:14:11 Slate: R.F. Van Derveer Roll 78 D+9 10:00 Iwo Jima 3rd Mar Div. - 21st Marines moving up to relieve 9th. LS moving across dirt plane; MLS climbing dirt cliffs w/ flame-thrower & rifles. High angle / HA walking past dead Japanese. 13:14:58 Men on top of dirt ridge preparing & throwing grenades; many marines moving across. Flame thrower burning out cave. Smoke out of cave & heavy fire. 13:16:09 Slate: Blowing up caves at northern end of No. 2 airfield 3rd Bn 21st Mar. Roll 28 also in this series. Marine walking w/ Graflex & rifle behind crouched Marines. 13:16:31 Salte Van Derveer Roll 80 D+9 12:00 3rd Mar Div, 21st Mar. Slowly advance over rugged rocky ground; one talking into field radio. MCU walking w/ field telephone & officer talking. GOOD. 13:17:30 Large machine among rocks WW2; Pacific Fighting; Still Camera; Photographer; NOTE: Battle of Iwo Jima 19Feb-26Mar45. Good color & action. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate or may be combined w/ other complete reels to maximum 10 minutes at per reel NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: