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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1267-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Japan,USA
Location: IWO JIMA,Pacific
TC Begins: 12:37:14
TC Ends: 12:47:35
Duration: 00:10:21
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, Iwo Jima: Beachhead Chaos; Booby Trap; Wounded Evacuation. 26-28Feb45 Slate: L.L. Louft R69 5th Div USMC. D+7 Wreckage on Beach, Iwo Jima. Beached wrecked LCVP w/ surf washing around; other destroyed equipment in surf. Jeep & other equipment buried in sand. 12:38:21 Slate: Human Wreckage. Slow pan over dead Marines on stretchers; may be some Japanese. 12:39:20 Slate: Evacuation of Wounded. Litters carried onto LCVP landing craft; unloaded from jeep . 12:39:52 Slate: D+7 Beach Party Command Post. Marine talking into microphone, speakers beside, sandbagged positions behind, MCU. 12:40:17 Slate: D+8 Japanese Booby Trap. CU box, bottle in trash along beach, Marine points to trip cord, cuts w/ pliers, picks up bottle & puts down. Ties red ribbon on stick on top of box. 12:41:33 Slate: D+8 Japanese A.T. Gun. Iron wheeled small artillery, CU. 12:41:53 Marine standing holding plasma bottle to wounded on stretcher. MCU mumbling face. Bandaging shoulder wound. 12:42:29 Camera: L.L. Louft R71 5th Div. D+8 Destroyed Tank. Smoke blowing across. Slate: Probably by planted aerial bomb. Upside down M4 Sherman tank wreckage, crushed Marine beneath, CU burned body. 12:43:28 LS smoke rising. MCU Marine checking leg wound from shrapnel. 12:43:48 MLS Two LVTs racing r. to l across flat but rough plain. 12:43:54 MS Marines carry stretcher, set down, CU of wounded Marine. Low angle / LA tank w/ track off; helmets hanging on it. 12:44:32 LS Marines crossing flat; CU destroyed tank w/ name Agony on it. Pan four tanks; Marines carrying wounded past wreck in foreground. 12:44:58 Slate: L.L. Louft R72. D+8 12:00 Up Front. MS Marines on stomachs, talking on field telephone. CUs, looking w/ binoculars. 12:45:49 Dust cloud, Marines running & carrying wounded; LS explosions. LS Marines running towards volcanic hills & caves. Retreat. Explosions. Pacific War; WW2; Landing Chaos; Fighting; Battle; NOTE: Battle of Iwo Jima 19Feb-26Mar45. Fair color & action. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: