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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1267-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Japan,USA
Location: IWO JIMA,Pacific
TC Begins: 12:27:31
TC Ends: 12:36:47
Duration: 00:09:16
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, Iwo Jima: Marine Invasion Landing, Beach Chaos, Fighting. 19-24Feb45 Slate: Sgt Bengston R8 4th Div USMC. 24Feb45 Troops on Center of 0.1 Line. Large explosions & smoke clouds, Marines move in foreground. MS fire burning ??. Marine on backpack radio-telephone. Rocky cliff faces above beach. 12:28:08 Officers kneeling around map talking, pointing; eating. 12:28:33 Slate: 24Feb45 Raiders eating chow in foxhole - Front Lines. Sgt E.C. Bengston R9. 24Feb45 pm LCVP boats landing, Blue 1. MCU Bulldozer pushing sand. LS small bulldozer off LCVP, Marines carry stretchers aboard. 12:29:12 Bow of ?? ship 1030 onto beach; LCM towards beach w/ doors open. Marines running off LCVP, MCU Boat starts to leave; another unloading. Wounded carried on board. GOOD. 12:30:16 Marines laying on black sand slope, CU muddy face. 12:30:50 Slate: D-Day 10:15 Leaving Boat, blue 1 Roll 2. Kennedy R2. 11:30 ??. MCU rolling over wounded Marine onto stretcher. MCU Marine standing. LS along chaotic beach, smoke blowing across. Wounded helped. Landing craft towards shore; view of Marines across beach. many LVTs. 12:32:01 Slate: Kennedy R3 Date D 12:15 Location Blue 1. Landing craft approaching shore, door drops & Marines run off; wounded helped aboard. CU GOOD 12:33:03 Landing craft passing . 12:33:13 Slate: Kennedy R4 CU hands tying . LS across sandy beach w/ explosions behind bulldozers. Men carry crates ashore w/ burned out ship behind. Landing craft onto beach, door drops; view from behind Marines. LVTs onto sand, crates carried, explosion in water behind. GOOD. 12:34:18 Slate: Kennedy R5 D 15:00 25 yds in Blue 1. Landing craft hitting beach & dropping doors. LS along beach, many marines pinned down. CUs. Jeep, landing craft tossed by water in surf, other LCVPs drop doors & men off. Ships at sea. 12:35:33 Slate: Kennedy R6. Slug. MCU Marine. MS firing mortars. View of smoke & explosions. Marines running. 12:36:10 Slate: D-1 11:15 A-Co 25th ? Location 165 H. View past dug in Marine smoke rising; men unpacking cartons & eating, MCU. 12:36:41 View towards.ships. Pacific War; WW2; Landing Chaos; Eating; Fighting; Battle; NOTE: Battle of Iwo Jima 19Feb-26Mar45. Fair color & action. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: