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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1266-10
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Japan,USA
Location: IWO JIMA,Pacific
TC Begins: 11:30:24
TC Ends: 11:38:57
Duration: 00:08:33
WWII - Iwo Jima from sea & on shore, 24-25Feb45 LS destroyer at sunrise or sunset firing barrage towards island; battleship guns firing. 11:31:18 Slate: 23Feb45. LS of Iwo Jima island w/ smoke. 11:31:31 Kamikaze plane into transport ; heavy black smoke. 11:31:39 Slate: 24Feb45 Last scene of our plane on fire as it crashes & misses USS Jackson (AP37). View of ships anchored off Iwo Jima w/ Mount Suribachi. 11:32:09 View of completely destroyed shore w/ ships aground from water.l 11:32:25 Slate re digging in on North End of Air Field. “Digging is very easy - thank God.” LS people digging at base of ?? MCU diggin. CU men sleeping, resting. Sign: ADC 600. CU man at radio set in foxhole; men digging. LS digging; officers talking looking at maps. 11:33:47 Slates. 25Feb45. View thru LST w/ equipment inside. Men in barges unloading ammunition crates. CU crate marking. 11:34:49 Truck driving off LST. 11:35:08 Slate: 14:20 E Co. 2nd Battalion. Unable to continue attack, and under heavy mortar fire. 11:35:10 CU Marine digging w/ spade in lava; MS. Dead marines in lava. Wounded carrier on litter, loaded into back of truck. Carried into aid station. 11:36:13 Slate D+5 08:30. Slate: 2nd BN 21st scheduled to attack 09:15 following barrage & with heavy tank support - tanks late. Advantage lost. Slate: O.P. calls for artillery & naval gunfire 10:20. 11:36:29 MCU marine on telephone, watching. CU man looking at map. LS tanks heading towards Mt. Suribachi. 11:36:56 Three marines, one on telephone, looking & gesturing. 11:37:08 Slate: Lt. English, tanks, 4th Div. 11:37:18 CU Lt. English on telephone. Slate “...calls for air support, five tanks out so far.” 11:37:29 English w/ other officers. 11:37:33 Slate: 11:32 Clearing mines along tank road. Three marines w/ knives. 11:37:41 Slate. 11:37:45 Overturned landing craft sinking seen from water. View of landing craft & LST near shore. 11:38:14 Slates. WW2; Invasions; Pacific;