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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221466-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930,1930s
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois,Miles City,Montana
TC Begins: 10:43:28
TC Ends: 11:07:00
Duration: 00:23:32
1930 - Feature Film: Danger Lights Pt. 3 of 3 Ext. “Old-Timers” Barn Dance. Sideshow barker introducing steam train tug-o-war. Back-lighted shots engines attempting to reverse away from each other. CU wheels spinning. Doyle & Mary watching. People cheering. Whistles blowing. 10:44:44 Band in garden ballroom, Mary & Doyle & couples dancing; they leave dance. 10:45:40 Night & men working on railroad w/ heavy equipment. Mary’s father arrives home in rain & sees Doyle & Mary kissing; they elope out backdoor in pouring rainstorm & they walk as father goes after in car. 10:47:41 Father arrives at RR worksite & tells Dan. “I’ll kill him.” Mary & Doyle walk down RR track; switchman in control tower checks watch & pulls switch. Rails catch Doyle’s foot. Lights change, he realises danger. Dan, very angry in rain arrives ready to punch Doyle, instead saves his life as train passes & ends up injured. 10:51:00 Ext. of hospital. Doyle enters & hears Doctor saying the only chance Dan has is to get him to brain surgeons in Chicago in under five hours. Doyle leaves. 10:52:44 Doyle at RR yard, says he’ll break 6 hr record & get train to Chicago in time. “...for every railroad man everywhere.” RR offices w/ telegraph. Stretcher loaded onto train. Steam engine out of station, signals. POV from train. VS train at speed thru mountains & countryside. Train at speed thru station, track w/ superimposed clock. 10:56:37 Good shot from in front of engine over river bridge. Doyle notices problem w/ wheels & climbs out to do running repairs. CU wheels. Super-imposed clock. Outskirts of Chicago, pulls into station; 10:59:47 Dan carried off on stretcher. Hobo arrested. Interior of tall station. 11:00:47 Dan wheeled into operating room. Crowds wait at RR station for Dan’s return, coming home to die, doesn’t want to get well. Mary says she knows what will give him will to live. Train arrives, Mary goes to see Dan & says she’s come back to him. Doyle comes in & thanks Dan for saving his life. Dan says they should marry each other & goes to sleep. Dan hears workmen outside saying that he’s finished, “washed up”, gives him will to shout at them, smiles, happy ending. The End. Romance; Americana; Railroading; Entrepreneur Business Man; Stereotypes; 1930s Feature Film;