1938 - California Real Estate Land Boom
Large roadside billboard: Life Magazine Presents Your Home For Life...May Co. Leimert Park...
23:45:57 Large sign in shape of arrow w/ road traffic behind: The Life Home.
23:46:14 LS house, tents & cars on plots of land beside dirt roads. Children playing in dirt; tents over wooden frames. Men begin building porch roof as women & children watch. MCUs.
23:47:42 Three men sawing wood on saw horses; MCUs.
23:47:59 Two women & girl stand talking, watching.
23:48:34 LS families living in tents.
23:48:51 CU license plates cut up for numbers on post in front of unfinished house foundation w/ permit or ticket attached.
23:49:38 Sign: This choice tract now open, call at tract office; w/ tarpaper on shack & partially finished houses behind. Faded sign: These choice small farms going fast, get yours now! Houses behind. Man working on one or two-room house; others partially constructed man & woman outside.
23:50:29 High angle shot across sheds attached to trailer house; vacant & partially vacant lots behind. MS of couple in front shed & trailer w/ house foundation.
23:51:08 Billboard next to paved highway: This is Beckwood Village 5000 Families Here in 1942 Do it Today... w/ pennant flying above. CU See these lovely low priced homes now under construction - small payment - FHA terms. 100 Telegraph Rd. O.C. Beck Organization, Developers.
23:51:28 Kids walking from school to house, others behind. Men putting siding on small house, women watching. LS, MS, CUs.
23:52:38 Two women & child out of canvas attached over wooden frame. MCU watching, baby crying.
23:52:57 LS Growing Dell Gardens sales office & small one room houses on display, people w/ salesman out. MS & CU looking at plans, laughing.
23:53:36 Over-shoulder shot looking at tract plan w/ numbered units. Walk to car & get in.
23:54:04 CU pennant in breeze: Wise People Are Buying Real Estate. Sign: Sales Office. Billboard: Bell Gardens Small Farms $20 down, $10 per month. New Homes $50 down 3 1/2% discount...
Post-Depression; Poverty; Hope; 1930s; Dreams;
1938 - California Real Estate Land Boom Large roadside billboard: Life Magazine Presents Your Home For Life...May Co. Leimert Park... 23:45:57 Large sign in shape of arrow w/ road traffic behind: The Life Home. 23:46:14 LS house, tents & cars on plots of land beside dirt roads. Children playing in dirt; tents over wooden frames. Men begin building porch roof as women & children watch. MCUs. 23:47:42 Three men sawing wood on saw horses; MCUs. 23:47:59 Two women & girl stand talking, watching. 23:48:34 LS families living in tents. 23:48:51 CU license plates cut up for numbers on post in front of unfinished house foundation w/ permit or ticket attached. 23:49:38 Sign: This choice tract now open, call at tract office; w/ tarpaper on shack & partially finished houses behind. Faded sign: These choice small farms going fast, get yours now! Houses behind. Man working on one or two-room house; others partially constructed man & woman outside. 23:50:29 High angle shot across sheds attached to trailer house; vacant & partially vacant lots behind. MS of couple in front shed & trailer w/ house foundation. 23:51:08 Billboard next to paved highway: This is Beckwood Village 5000 Families Here in 1942 Do it Today... w/ pennant flying above. CU See these lovely low priced homes now under construction - small payment - FHA terms. 100 Telegraph Rd. O.C. Beck Organization, Developers. 23:51:28 Kids walking from school to house, others behind. Men putting siding on small house, women watching. LS, MS, CUs. 23:52:38 Two women & child out of canvas attached over wooden frame. MCU watching, baby crying. 23:52:57 LS Growing Dell Gardens sales office & small one room houses on display, people w/ salesman out. MS & CU looking at plans, laughing. 23:53:36 Over-shoulder shot looking at tract plan w/ numbered units. Walk to car & get in. 23:54:04 CU pennant in breeze: Wise People Are Buying Real Estate. Sign: Sales Office. Billboard: Bell Gardens Small Farms $20 down, $10 per month. New Homes $50 down 3 1/2% discount... Post-Depression; Poverty; Hope; 1930s; Dreams;