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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220595-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1939
Country: French Guiana,Guyana
Location: Devil’s island
TC Begins: 04:21:33
TC Ends: 04:30:23
Duration: 00:08:50
Guiana Indians & Devil’s Island Prisoners Some over-exposed. Natives in canoe on Guiana river paddling upstream seen from motorized boat going downstream; tracking shots of riverbank. Two canoes of naked Indians past. POV up rapids. Blacks paddling. 04:22:55 Riverboat w/ people in pith helmets. POV of shoreline. 04:23:18 Canoes tied up at riverbank. Large building. Convict making bed in cell. Prisoners out, marched thru threes, Men carry food out of building, eating. Washing clothes in outdoor trough. 04:24:35 Exposed interior (courtyard) of prison, prisoner looking through window bars. Ill prisoner walked past by another. MCU prisoner looking out talking (MOS); another throws bucket of slop water over him. 04:24:59 Two prisoners in boat rowing to shore. Governor & VIPs in boat. Governor or doctor disinfects hands & inspects arm of prisoner. 04:25:36 MCU man interviewing prisoner. prisoners exercising in yard. Prisoner shackled in bed. Convict with eye patch. Convicts relax walking, one w/ monkey. Man carried on stretcher into hospital. Man having x-ray. Laboratory - doctor ? measuring liquid from bottles. 04:27:04 Rough sea on rocky coastline. Bungalow type accomodation. Man gets water from well. Cemetery. Tombstone. 04:27:55 Semaphore station, telegraph; prisoners move large dishes on tower by rods to signal message. Pulley system between the islands - supplies sent over in box. Banana grove. Convicts rowing large rowboat or whaleboat.. 04:29:34 Groups of oriental prisoners out of enclosure. Work party. Rowboat at sea. Work party in field. Colonialism; Medical Care; 1930s; Pre-war France;