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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221201-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940
Country: USA
TC Begins: 20:41:30
TC Ends: 20:52:15
Duration: 00:10:45
Journalism Vocational Guidance Films, Burton Holmes - ‘Your Life Work’ series Alphabet superimposed over piles of newspapers, then shots of regional & national US newspapers & magazines. CU printing press, VO “first however words must be written”. CU typewriter, newspaper office, proof readers wearing visors; reporter sent out by editor to cover fire. 20:42:58 Building on fire at night, firemen. INT office, journalist looks at article ‘Three Hurt In $1,000,000 Hospital Fire’. Map showing reporters’ “beats”. Reporter at hospital; reporter & cameraman greet celebrity getting off train; interview couple on street, makes notes, tips hat in thanks; gets info from record at police station & phones in information from phone booth. Rewrite man types story. Copy editor. 20:45:06 Production scenes: linotype operator, makeup editor checks layout. Telegraph news from Press Association bulletin; world map shows telegraph network. CU teletype machine. 20:46:09 Sports reporters at baseball game. CU Finance & Business page, correspondent analysing sheets of information. All previous employees have been male. 20:46:39 Society Notes page, couples dancing at formal ball; female society reporter at typewriter, receives telephone call. VO “women find it difficult to compete w/ men in general reporting jobs, so girls who want to be successful in journalism should prepare for work in the special womens’ departments” CU ‘For and About Women’ page. VO “...home decoration, childcare, gardening & household hints are found in the homemaking section, a department handled by women...also included are cookery, meal planning suggestions, menus & attractive ways of arranging the table. Work in fashion, beauty care & merchandise reporting affords further opportunities, almost exclusively for women.” Sexist narration over corresponding shots of cookery, table settings, woman journalist examining pictures of evening dresses etc. ONLY FEMALE SHOWN. 20:47:29 “Music-Drama-Art” page. EXT theatre, INT curtain up. CU Editorial Page - editorial writer at desk typing. Political reporter interviews politician. Sunday editions & magazines: McCall’s, Saturday Evening Post, Popular Science, etc spread out - VO re job of features writer. 20:48:55 CU Male columnist at typewriter, sends to syndicate; column sent to various publications - “matrix” placed in casting box so syndicated column ready to be added to newspaper’s own press. Owner & editor of small rural newspaper carrying out many different tjobs inc. printing the paper. Publisher of city paper at desk w/ female secretary. 20:51:15 Optical montage: blizzard scenes w/ headline ‘Blizzard Perils Safety’; subway construction; forest fire w/ Fall River Press headline ‘Forest Fire Raging, Threatens Wide Area’. High school newspaper office & headline. Students working at desks. Careers; Sexism; 1940s; Workplace; Sex Discrimination; Sexist;