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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250051-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: Canada,France
Location: Alps,Dordogne,Marron River,Rhine River,rhone river
TC Begins: 04:58:24
TC Ends: 05:10:32
Duration: 00:12:08
Titles. 04:59:05 Electric pylons / power lines - sparking as arms moving. Montage where electricity is used - transport / trolley buses - trains - industry - Car factory, motors on production line. Montage: streams, waterfalls & reservoirs. 05:00:14 Animated map showing projects underway in building dams. Building dams on River Rhone. Construction work using heavy machinery - commentary explains that a lot of the machinery and the money / finance to construct these projects comes from Marshall Plan. Men working day & night - welding. 05:03:21 Montage shots use of electricity - man at dials - X-Ray machine in hospital - dentist - display white kitchen appliances. 05:03:46 Construction work on massive Central development. Cement carried in buckets on aerial cables / invention looks like cable cars. Huge technological achievement. Men walking over huge pipelines which will carry water to turbines. Building different dam in another location using old methods. Men hammering wood. 05:07:31 Woman on telephone exchange; woman in home using phone, man turning dials of generator ? Radio antenna mast / broadcasting. Man in home listening to radio. Children on carousel at funfair. Men up pylons & telegraph poles - electrification. 05:08:22 Interior farmhouse, open fire burning in grate. Electricity turned on for house. 05:08:36 Construction work on dam in the Alps - Dam on Marron River under construction. Dam in the Dordogne nearing completion. Rhine river dam which was damaged during the war but now ready for use again. Dordogne dam in operation. 05:09:34 Interior power station - turbines - power lines. Turning switches in power station sending electricity to any part of France or Europe. Electricity sparking on pylons. The End. Post-WWII Aid; Post-WW2; Marshall Plan; ERP; 1950; Heavy Industry; France; Cold War;