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Moscow Strikes Back R4 of 6

Reel Number: 221438-13

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1942

Country: Russia,USSR


TC Begins: 03:20:57

TC Ends: 03:31:07

Duration: 00:10:10

Moscow Strikes Back R4 of 6 Officers; civilians waving to passing troops, give them food; shaking hands. CUs. Snow & troops marching & on horseback past woman w/ kisses, crossing herself. Tanks move on snow past wreckage & farm houses. Refugees return by foot, sleigh to homes. Dog runs into house. Guerrillas return, laughing, happy, greetings. 03:23:10 Town hall sign. People inside; town leaders on balcony & people looking up to them. 03:23:31 Title: the Red Army Pushes On - North - South - West. Cossacks on horseback leaving village; riding across bridge. Soldiers building bridge to support tanks, artillery crossing frozen river. 03:24:22 Planes overhead; heavy artillery fired. Battle & explosions. Fighter bombers in flight, bombs falling seen from above. Explosions from ground & air. Cossacks riding across deep snow. Soldiers running across field w/ rifles. 03:25:21 Title: Venev. Tanks thru. People w/ goods on sleighs. Town badly burned; German equipment left behind. Snow covered trucks, guns, bodies. 03:26:03 Generals & officers w/ telegraph ticker-tape printout. Planes, soldiers attacking. 03:26:19 Title: Rogachev. Tanks thru burned city; aerials over city, railroad trains trapped by destroyed bridges (seen). Railyard destroyed. 03:26:49 Title: Mikhailov. Tilt down concrete grain building in ruins; people shoveling to put out fire of enormous pile of wheat. Aerial over. 03:27:33 Title: Yepifan. Aerials over destroyed city. Soviet plane. 03;27:56 Title: The Nazis Strike At Culture & Education. Leveled home town of Chekov, schools & cathedral destroyed. 03:29:13 Title: Tschaikovsky’s home in the city of Klin. People gathering ruined sculpture, manuscripts. Pictures of pre-war interiors & music. View of well-maintained house in summer. Damaged house & ruins w/ graffiti as curator gathers belongings from snow. WWII Eastern Front; WW2 Fighting; Aftermath; Russia; USSR; Destruction; Winter Weather; Hardship; Art; Composers; WW2;

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