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WWII - 1942, Portugal: Newspapers, International Journalists, Radio, etc.

Reel Number: 221268-12

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1942,1940s

Country: England,Portugal,United Kingdom,USA,VICHY France

Location: Lisbon

TC Begins: 19:54:38

TC Ends: 20:04:24

Duration: 00:09:46

WWII - 1942, Portugal: Newspapers, International Journalists, Radio, etc. Exterior GV Seculo newspaper office, crowds read headlines of occupation of Africa; ext GV Diario de Lisboa newspaper office. High angle w/ boys carrying bundles of newspapers out. 19:55:05 Newspaper sellers rush down lengthy steps w/ papers; past boys shining shoes on sidewalk. 19:55:33 Magazine kiosks with international press, CU titles of Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, etc. Men browsing. Life magazine & other photo magazines: Signal, etc. Men buying magazines. Policeman. 19:56:46 Interior barber shop, man handing out newspapers, men reading. Boy selling lottery tickets. 19:57:29 Ext. GV Havas Press Agency; electric street car past. 19:57:42 Int of OFI office in Havas building showing Dany ( editor), Audibert & Jean Fontenoy (Vichy representative); Audibert holds press release about African occupation; 19:57:49 Ext. Marconi telegraph office w/ wagon, fishmongers & others past. 19:58:13 Int. Counter of Marconi office & wireless station; shots of machines receiving transmission from NY; ticker-tape. Automatic typewriter / teletype. 19:58:41 Int. Alfragide radio station near Lisbon w/ banks of tubes in racks. Engineer taking readings & adjusting power. Ext. of antennas. 19:59:11 CU door sign Associated Press. Lisbon Bureau; int. GVs showing Luiz Lupi w/ pipe, AP correspondent, typing at desk. Rings bell & boy comes in & leaves w/ story. 20:00:20 Miss Shercliff, correspondent of Daily Herald at her Cascaix villa answering telephone & smoking whilst typing. 20:00:45 Sign for Anglo-American Press Conference held at Royal British Club; Ministry of Information war report read by British Press attache & 2 aides; Audience includes (20:01:13 ca.) Leverich, press attache of American Legation, seated in front of Shercliff. Reception for US, British & Portugese correspondents hosted by Bert Fish (shorter w/ white hair) & Myron Taylor. Reporters taking notes. 20:02:24 Man reading Diario de Lisboa newspaper outdoors & wife & three boys & small boy in arms comes down and stands by him. Kids pick at each other; he holds young boy. 20:03:20 Man lights cigar in living room as butler in white coat brings in coffee on tray. He sits and smokes cigarette & reads. (two takes of sitting w/ cigarette & butler entering). WW2 Lisbon Portugal; Journalism; Diplomacy; Telegraph; 1940s; Neutral Country; Wartime Daily Life;

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