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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220287-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Baltimore, Maryland,North Atlantic,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 09:52:42
TC Ends: 09:58:54
Duration: 00:06:12
WWII - 1942, Combat Report, Sinking of Tanker & Submarine Patrol; Bomber Manufacturing Titles. 09:53:15 Ext. War Department building. Assistant Secretary Robert Lovett & Under Secretary Robert Patterson at desks looking at reports; narrator describes report of May42 submarine attack on tanker Delia B. 09:53:54 Periscope thru water, torpedo fired, explosion & tanker burning w/ heavy black oil smoke & sinking. 09:54:16 Montage: Naval telegraph operator, CU teletypes & superimposition announcing sinking. Antennas. 09:55:07 Army B-25 Mitchell bomber patrolling r. to l. over water; CU of pilots & radio operator, w/ navigator marking map using compass; CU dials & gauges. Pilots at controls, throttles, CU. 09:56:53 Ext of bomber pan to prop & motor in CU. 09:57:01 Miners, steel mill & ingots; workers in various factories producing materials for engines; mounting testing motor & checking results. 09:57:50 Shot of B-25 Mitchell bomber, CU wings. 09:58:15 Men look at model of bomber sitting on blueprints. 09:58:23 Rolling aluminum & Glen L. Martin shipping area; Martin factory forming, cutting, etc. Welding frame, riveting. MCUs. WW2; Anti-submarine Warfare; Atlantic; Manufacturing; Homefront; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. GOOD quality. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: