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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220469-15
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Canada,EgyptUNITED KINGDOM,England,Iran,Japan,Morocco,Ukraine,USA,USSR
Location: Casablanca,Crimea,Kingston, Ontario,North Africa,Tehran,Washington, DC,Yalta
TC Begins: 03:25:18
TC Ends: 03:33:08
Duration: 00:07:50
WWII - 1945, President Roosevelt: Obituary Main Title: Movietone News over military montage. 03:25:42 Intertitle: Headline montage: Roosevelt Dies Suddenly 03:25:48 Montage: MCU Young FDR as State Senator speaking; CU Assistant Secretary of Navy; as President swimming & playing ball in pool w/ polio kids, in Warm Springs, Georgia. Sitting beside fireplace reading letters w/ Eleanor & two sons. CU. 03:26:18 Swearing in at first inauguration as President w/ SOF of speech. 03:26:41 Montage: Headlines re FDR’s actions against depression; at desk signing New Deal reforms. 03:26:54 CU FDR at desk w/ CU telegraph key starts operation of Norris Dam. 03:27:05 CU SOF “We have survived all of the arduous burdens & the threatened dangers of a great economic calamity. Fear is vanishing & confidence is growing on every side.” 03:27:22 Montage: FDR driving open car w/ family & dog Fala on lane beneath trees; on sail boat / fishing trip waving. Sitting w/ family & others on rocky hillside. 03:27:41 14Aug36 Chautauqua, NY SOF speaking: “I have seen war. I have seen war on land & sea. I have seen blood running from the wounded. I have seen men coughing out their gassed lungs. I have seen the dead in the mud. I have seen cities destroyed. I have seen two hundred limping, exhausted men come out of line, the survivors of a regiment of one thousand that went forward forty-eight hours before. I have seen children starving. I have seen the agony of mothers & wives. I hate war!” (applause). 03:28:32 FDR w/ mother before fireplace, CU smiling. George VI & Queen w/ FDR in front of church. 03:28:55 High Angle / LA fleet & FDR on ship’s bridge reviewing w/ Admiral ? 03:29:03 18Aug38 MS receiving honorary degree Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; MCU SOF: “I give to you assurance that the people of the United States will not stand idly by if domination of Canadian soil is threatened by any other Empire.” (applause). 03:29:25 Montage: MS at desk signing lend-lease bill; Atlantic Charter meeting on Battleship Prince of Wales w/ Churchill. FDR & Eleanor outside church w/ priest. 03:29:48 08Dec41 Speech to Congress after Pearl Harbor declaring war on Japan, SOF: “I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked & dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States & the Japanese Empire.” (standing ovation / applause) 03:30:30 Montage: Casablance; in jeep FDR reviewing troops, shaking hands; Tehran Conference w/ Stalin & Churchill; FDR & MacArthur, Nimitz & Leahy in Pacific war conference. 03:30:56 MOS Roosevelt sworn in for fourth term on White House balcony; Yalta conference, FDR looking sick shaking hands w/ Russians & Churchill walks beside FDR’s jeep at airport; sitting for pictures 03:31:28 MCU shipboard, laughing w/ King Farouk of Egypt; shipboard, talking w/ Ibn Saud. 03:31:38 Last public appearance reporting to Congress, SOF: I come from the Crimean Conference with a firm belief that we have made a good start on the road to a world of peace. (edit) “And I am confident that the Congress & the American people will accept the results of this conference as the beginnings of a permanent structure of peace upon which we can begin to build, under God, that better world in which our children & grandchildren, yours & mine, the children & grandchildren of the whole world, must live & can live.” 03:32:30 Seated in front of US delegation to San Francisco UN conference. Headlines re allies approaching Berlin & Elbe. Truman sworn in. Good CU Truman; CU of FDR. 03:33:04 End Title - Join 7th War Loan Victory Drive. Speech; WW2; Presidential Summary; 1930s; 1940s; Government;