Reel Number: 220659-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s
Country: France,Georgia,Germany,Ottoman Empire,Turkey
Location: Coucy,Dompierre,Ottoman Empire,Rhine River,Trans-Caucasia,Verdun
TC Begins: 05:20:33
TC Ends: 05:33:03
Duration: 00:12:30
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1910 - 1918 - WWI Era: Aerials; German Officers & Troops; France Fighting; Trans-Caucasia WinterSuitcases & cameras loaded into Caproni Ca. 1 heavy bomber (?) aircraft, Ca 2318 below open cockpit. Biplane takes off; aerial views Verdun - towns, cities, rivers, roads. Slug, 2 sec. 05:22:07 Marshal Von Hindenburg w/ other officers walking down steps. Pose. Slug, 2 sec. 05:22:15 German troops & military equipment crossing Rhine River, includes horse drawn carts w/ Christmas trees. Troops in city, sign: Kaiser’s Kaffe on corner of street, civilian pedestrians; flags. Slug, 1 sec. 05:24:04 Flash intertitle: “On The Western Front. The flame projector...used by French troops in reprisal...” Soldier on snow-covered ground operating flame-thrower. Slug, 1 sec. 05:24:16 Flash intertitle: “Coucy, France. The American Aero Corps...” Biplanes on field. Painting of Red Indian chief in headdress on aircraft. French pilots. Pilots w/ dog, w/ tiger cubs & mascots. Slug, 2 sec. 05:25:06 Flash intertitle: “Dompierre, France. “...ammunition cars & huge cannons are being sweep German lines.” Large railroad artillery w/ crew riding moved past. German soldiers under barbed wire, running w/ hands raised (staged?). 05:25:33 Huge cannon or mortar w/ camouflage lowers barrel. Camouflage painted barrel of railway gun lowered. Slug, 3 sec. 05:25:51 German Officers wearing Pickelhaube / spiked dress helmets - Kaiser ? French ? officers. Others in soft caps & groups of unidentified officers & well-dressed women talking, some w/ children. Slug, 1 sec. 05:26:33 French ? Soldiers pitching coins or playing game like quoits. Plane flies overhead, they rush to cover artillery / gun w/ camouflage / branches of trees. Barrel of gun has August painted on. 05:26:58 Soldiers firing vertical anti aircraft gun; man up telegraph pole. Soldier in soft cap on field telephone & communication notes taken by others. 05:28:07 Troops hammering in posts & attach barbed wire for defensive fences, snow on ground. 05:28:31 Soldiers at outdoor / field service w/ priest, winter mountains. Slug, 1 sec. 05:29:01 British soldiers looking at remains of huge gun w/ exploded barrel, soldier clambering on elevating mechanism. Soldier comparing width of barrel w/ his chest, looks down barrel at another soldier. Slug, 3 sec. 05:29:45 Flash intertitles: “How the Russian Troops are Turning the Turkish Flank - Cherkas infantry...are sent to fight the Turks on the snow bound wastes of Trans-Caucasia.” Pan large group of troops in snowy surroundings encampment. 05:30:16 Troops move out, officers on horseback followed by troops on foot walking on muddy mountain road. Good shot line of troops against snowy mountain background. 05:30:55 MS Prisoners of war / POWs turn & walk past building wall, r. l.; marched on snowy road l. to r. 05:31:42 Wounded put into bullock carts which move out in convoy. 05:32:27 Flash intertitle: “Transportation...solved by the use of Bactrian camels which withstand the intense cold...” Camels, wagons & soldiers on snowy village street. Good shot camels on road w/ snow covered mountain in background. WW1; 1910s; Military Inventions; War; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Some good & Interesting footage. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: