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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221684-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s,1916,1919,1920
Country: Mexico,USA
Location: DC,Detroit,Michigan,New York City,NYC,Washington,Zacatecas
TC Begins: 02:16:13
TC Ends: 02:32:16
Duration: 00:16:03
1916 - 1920: Detroit Water Supply; Telephone Operators; Chickens; Mexico Visited; Washington, DC (1919) Men installing very large water pump for Detroit water supply. Multi-story pump working w/ large crankshaft & rods. Man adjusting knobs beside gauges. Pump working as men polish rods & maintain. 02:18:02 Small waves breaking. People watching fire truck hooked to hydrant; CU truck motor running to pump; hydrant leaking. Men wiping rods in pumping station & filling oiling reservoirs. 02:19:23 Steam crane & men moving large diameter water pipe alongside open trench in winter on city street; trench digger working. Storm clouds moving Water breaking on shore of Great Lakes; over pier. 02:20:43 View from boat in rough water. Light house or pumping station & boat towards it. Small fishing boat (?) in heavy water. 02:21:25 (1919) View of Brooklyn Bridge & Manhattan; other bridges over East River. 02:21:56 ca 1919. Small boat pulled alongside large ship, Utica, mail bag (?) lowered. 02:22:08 Large excursion boat thru canal. 02:22:29 (1919) Line of telephone operators at large console, w/ supervising operators moving behind them. LS of large room of operators at work. 02:23:26 Men running power digger for telephone polls. Man working in manhole where cables join; tolos lowered. 02:24:06 Man at telephone switching control panel testing circuits. Pads of cables lifted showing numbers. 02:24:39 Men watching trench digging machine in street Tiles w/ six sections in ditch. CU plugs placed in panel in exchange & moved. CU of pads of wiring. 02:25:52 (1920) Egg w/ chick pecking way out, hatching. Rhode Island Red chickens scratching in garden. White Leghorns in chicken coop scratching in straw. Check coming out of egg. CU. Rooster. Chick hopping. Chickens in garden. Chicks in coop w/ heater. Laying hens next to boxes in coop; chicken enters. 02:27:53 (1920) Mexico, men on tile patio under trees overlooking city. Walking thru garden into conservatory. Reception for Alvaro Obregon, Mexican President, posing. Large group of people leaving railroad station (visiting Americans touring). 02:28:47 Passenger train cars pushed across Rio Grand River bridge, kids watch as car arrives & waits. Banner on side of car. 02:29:08 Sign on Zacatecas railroad station w/ Mexican & USA flags. 02:29:12 LS of adobe Mexican buildings. Small trolley pulled by donkeys w/ many people beside it. American visitors posing by railroad station . Mexican adobe arch & church dome. POV train into railroad yard. Mexican children in village pose for camera. POV from train past village. Posing visitors beside train car waving hats. American VIPs & women posing, Obregon & others. 02:31:40 (1916) Washington, DC. White House from across south lawn. Capitol. Model T on muddy street, man lets woman out. Americana; Economic Tourism;