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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220607-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1924,1920s
Country: USA
Location: Detroit, Michigan
TC Begins: 05:00:15
TC Ends: 05:13:23
Duration: 00:13:08
Ford Motor Car Advertising Film Title over car towards camera. Art intertitles re flexible cars. 05:01:01 POV following car ( Model T ? ) thru suburban city traffic; stopping at intersection, pedestrians & traffic. Weaving around traffic. 05:01:57 Demonstrates three point / U-turn in empty street; parallel parking between cars. 05:02:1 Woman looks in cupboard & makes shopping list, checkslarge ice-box. Woman telephones friend , operators at switch board. Woman gets up from table & answers telephone. 05:03:06 Woman w/ apron on phone, takes off apron and out of door. 05:03:40 Waiting in car outside school for children; kids wave & into car, snow on ground. 05:04:14 Man leaving office after work w/ others; waves to waiting wife & kids in car. Child to father & he carries to car; they leave. Pulls up to house. Car picking up lady & boy from house. Car past on snowy suburban street; along road. Family arrives & out of car at Grandma’s. 05:05:53 Family seated round table having dinner. 05:06:07 Car to garage for service. Woman talking to car mechanic as he looks at engine. Filling car w/ petrol at gas station. Checks oil & water. NOTE: Titles in above were written in first person, as though the car is talking. 05:08:30 The Ten Millionth Car - Ford Motor Car Advertisement Model T cars on production line in factory, putting body on chassis - painted on car The Ten Millionth New York to San Francisco via Lincoln Highway. 05:09:31 Model T sedan out of factory, poses & drives off. Group of men looking at car. Intertitles “ Giving five members of the original Ford organisation a little test ride“. Men into car * driving around factory yard. 05:10:44 Flexible Car Auto parked outside residential house, older couple walking past stop to admire. Owner w/ two women out of house - they show off car’s extras - rear view mirror, windshield wipers. ( film deterioration ) Interior light - window blinds - side pockets. All get into car & drive away. Promotion; 1924; 1920s Daily Life; Street Scenes; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: 10 millionth Ford built in 1923. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: