14:32:57 CU fingers pecking at manual typewriter, takes paper out, CU: Lead Editorial - The enemy will have no trouble winning the next war. Too many Americans will desert their cities at first sign of danger. This is Treason! Crumples paper & throws it down, drums fingers, dials rotary telephone.
14:33:29 Ominous film noir lighting, man in double-breasted suit enters. SOF “Hi yah, Fred, I was trying to get a hold of you. Park your hat & grab a chair.” “I just got your message Jack, what’s it all about?” Jack reads letter to editor re call for Civil Defense volunteers is crazy “I’m as patriotic as the next guy but I’d be pretty dumb to remain in this city when bombs start falling.” Fred: “Another member of the take-to-the-hills fraternity....worst of it is that most of them are intelligent people.” “Mass evacuation of cities just doesn’t work.” “If only we could help these letter writers see it that way.”
14:35:35 Montage: LS jammed town & city streets; CU cars stuck in traffic. CU sign: This Highway Will Be Closed...Civil Defense Vehicles. Man in empty street raises hand to stop traffic. Bulldozer pushing over cars; rescue workers w/ stretchers, fire trucks, traffic jam & civil defense volunteer directing cars. WW2 refugees leaving city, on country road, US soldiers, buildings falling, night bombing fire & aftermath. Vehicles in 1950 traffic jam w/ trapped fire trucks, rescue workers, food distribution, crowded railroad station, airport, crowds, NYC traffic w/ signals, policeman, pedestrian, firemen, clearing wreckage, crowding subway, workers: meat cutters, doctor, kindergarten.
14:37:54 Office w/ Jack talking “...staying in the city after an atomic attack is not nearly as dangerous as people think; the danger of lingering radiation is not very serious...over with in a minute & a half.”
14:38:15 WW2 European cities & people, kids w/ tags, railroad, old people, crippled leaving. Cleaning up damaged buildings, broken windows in storefronts.
14:38:54 Fred: “Running away from that duty would be desertion, pure & simple. In the army would mean court martial. As a civilian it would not only be treasonable but having to live w/ the knowledge...”
14:39:13 Montage of industry, warehouse, docks, damaged London, freight yards, factory interiors, steel, weapon manufacturing, tanks off assembly line, interior of Boeing plant & B-29s.
14:40:00 Fred: “There’s no getting away from it, when the time comes each one of us must stay in our cities & fight. I wish there were some other way but there isn’t.” Jack: Yes there will be plenty of suffering...A lot of people behind the Iron Curtain are wondering whether we can take it if we’re attacked. They’re carefully measuring our courage...they think they have the answers...have Americans got the guts?” The End.
1950s; Docu-drama; National Emergency; Fear; Staged; 1951; Cold War Motion Pictures; USA Civil Defense; American Government Propaganda; Paranoia; Anti-Communism; Terrorism;
titles 14:32:57 CU fingers pecking at manual typewriter, takes paper out, CU: Lead Editorial - The enemy will have no trouble winning the next war. Too many Americans will desert their cities at first sign of danger. This is Treason! Crumples paper & throws it down, drums fingers, dials rotary telephone. 14:33:29 Ominous film noir lighting, man in double-breasted suit enters. SOF “Hi yah, Fred, I was trying to get a hold of you. Park your hat & grab a chair.” “I just got your message Jack, what’s it all about?” Jack reads letter to editor re call for Civil Defense volunteers is crazy “I’m as patriotic as the next guy but I’d be pretty dumb to remain in this city when bombs start falling.” Fred: “Another member of the take-to-the-hills fraternity....worst of it is that most of them are intelligent people.” “Mass evacuation of cities just doesn’t work.” “If only we could help these letter writers see it that way.” 14:35:35 Montage: LS jammed town & city streets; CU cars stuck in traffic. CU sign: This Highway Will Be Closed...Civil Defense Vehicles. Man in empty street raises hand to stop traffic. Bulldozer pushing over cars; rescue workers w/ stretchers, fire trucks, traffic jam & civil defense volunteer directing cars. WW2 refugees leaving city, on country road, US soldiers, buildings falling, night bombing fire & aftermath. Vehicles in 1950 traffic jam w/ trapped fire trucks, rescue workers, food distribution, crowded railroad station, airport, crowds, NYC traffic w/ signals, policeman, pedestrian, firemen, clearing wreckage, crowding subway, workers: meat cutters, doctor, kindergarten. 14:37:54 Office w/ Jack talking “...staying in the city after an atomic attack is not nearly as dangerous as people think; the danger of lingering radiation is not very serious...over with in a minute & a half.” 14:38:15 WW2 European cities & people, kids w/ tags, railroad, old people, crippled leaving. Cleaning up damaged buildings, broken windows in storefronts. 14:38:54 Fred: “Running away from that duty would be desertion, pure & simple. In the army would mean court martial. As a civilian it would not only be treasonable but having to live w/ the knowledge...” 14:39:13 Montage of industry, warehouse, docks, damaged London, freight yards, factory interiors, steel, weapon manufacturing, tanks off assembly line, interior of Boeing plant & B-29s. 14:40:00 Fred: “There’s no getting away from it, when the time comes each one of us must stay in our cities & fight. I wish there were some other way but there isn’t.” Jack: Yes there will be plenty of suffering...A lot of people behind the Iron Curtain are wondering whether we can take it if we’re attacked. They’re carefully measuring our courage...they think they have the answers...have Americans got the guts?” The End. 1950s; Docu-drama; National Emergency; Fear; Staged; 1951; Cold War Motion Pictures; USA Civil Defense; American Government Propaganda; Paranoia; Anti-Communism; Terrorism;