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Go to HomepageReel Number: 280102-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: Korea,USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 03:15:29
TC Ends: 03:17:20
Duration: 00:01:51
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title: The Communists release a shockingly short list of U.N. prisoners of war - as the battle for Korea... 03:15:36 LS of Pentagon, car pulls up w/ others parked nearby. Antenna. Guard outside Army Communication Center. LS interior w/ technicians at teletype machines, printers printing out. Women at desks w/ Happy New Year decorations hanging. 03:16:00 Montage: Two men look over woman’s shoulders at typewriter; CU scanning lists of names. Black man running duplicating machine. Lists passed to reporters who run for telephone; CUs on phones. 03:16:15 Reporter, SOF: “And the Pentagon has now confirmed that Major General William F. Dean is on the list of POWs handed over by the Communists.” 03:16:27 Swish pan to soldiers in valley moving across river & artillery firing; explosions & smoke rising on hillside. Tank firing. White surrender flag; two men surrender on hillside; body on hill. Korean War; Military; Defense Department; Communications; Prisoners of War; 1951; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: