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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221573-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Cincinnati,Illinois,Ohio
TC Begins: 07:11:08
TC Ends: 07:19:10
Duration: 00:08:02
Eisenhower Campaigning; Nixon by radio to Republican Convention w/ Ike’s response, 1952 Ext. (Si.) Ike walks thru crowd of applauding well-wishers. At railroad station, speaking at microphones (MOS) from RR car as people listen in rain. MS listening; MS speaking. 07:11:36 Si. POV leaning out of train pulling into station; speaking from rear to crowd in small town. 07:11:51 Si. Motorcade thru city w/ tall buildings, waving to waving crowd. 07:12:08 Sd. Robert Taft to mic & crowd applauding. “I feel proud that citizens of Cincinnati have come out in such numbers... Introduces Ike & they both wave. “I can summarize the purpose of everything I have to say in a four word axiom of Jefferson: ‘Peace is our passion!’ Peace is my passion. (applause) 07:13:14 “What I deplore in these cases of Berlin & Korea is this: the incompetence of political leaders which made military action necessary.” (applause) Our fighting men of all services were summoned to snatch military victory from political defeat. Democracy cannot afford the luxury of assigning armies of soldiers to go around picking up after their statesmen. (applause) It takes smugness to try to stifle critics as the Democrat candidate did last week with the epigram that ‘A wise man does not try to hurry history’. Every American knows the answer to that one: neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him.” (applause). 07:14:19 Si. Ike off train waving, shakes hands, photographers. Holds up broom w/ Ike signs on it. Crowd filling square - listening, Ike speaking (MOS). 07:15:01 Si. Ike & Mamie looking closely at television set. No tv picture visible. 07:15:10 Sd. Auditorium seen from front w/ Nixon voice speaking saying he’s leaving decision to the Republican National Committee as to whether or not he stay’s on the ticket. View of front of auditorium w/ crowd listening to Nixon’s voice over the telephone. Nixon says he will continue this fight, he will campaign up & down America until we drive the the crooks and the Communists...and remember Eisenhower is a great man. Crowd stands & cheers. 07:16:06 Sd. Man at podium of Republican Convention: “We want to take the vote, all those in favor of Nixon continuing as candidate will say Aye” Large cheering aye!. Band plays. Eisenhower led to podium, w/ Taft & Mamie. 07:16:46 “I have been a warrior & I like courage; and tonight I saw an example of courage. I do not mean to say that there will not be some who will find no items, nuances...stands up in front of all the American people & bares his bare the secrets of his economic life...” Ike goes on & reads letter he’s sending to Nixon asking him to fly to meet w/ him. 07:18:38 “There shall be no...I am trying to show the American people what has been the result to them, abroad & at home, of an administration that has been too long in power. And as a result has grown arrogant, complacent & indifferent & away from the people.” Politics; Political Process; Korean War;