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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221792-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s,1956
Country: USA
TC Begins: 22:45:55
TC Ends: 22:56:43
Duration: 00:10:48
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1956 - Color, Americana: Government Agents Raiding Bootleg Stills For Taxes Alcohol & Tax Division of IRS agents w/ drawn pistols thru fall woods; men working out outdoor still cutting wood for fire under moonshine still boiler; agents run in & fighting. Still blown up / explosion. 22:46:47 Main title. 22:47:09 Animation of making wine, caveman, distillation; Egyptians, Chinese, American Colonists & brewing. Cutaway of brewing alcohol & use as trade to avoid taxation. 22:48:43 Costumed recreation of colonial woman brewing. Modern factory w/ large tanks / kettles; production shots of grain, mixing liquid. 22:49:35 Civil Service office workers at desks, files, calculators / adding machines. 22:49:56 Men working in distillery, barrel making & filling; man w/ clipboard recording production. Wine bottles on conveyors. Bottling line, labeling, capping, canning. 22:51:08 Office workers doing paperwork. 22:51:17 Farm w/ tobacco field around barn. Man loading / counting packs in cigarette machine. 22:51:46 Metal sheds, man out of car seen thru window w/ binoculars, picks up telephone. Men inside illegal distilling operation filling / filtering moonshine. Car arrives for raid & agents raid & arrest; chase van & arrest driver. 22:53:43 Title card: Bootlegging Breeds Crime. Cu pistol, agent picks up in storage room w/ other weapons. 22:53:59 Man out of car & pulls violin case out which falls open & machine gun falls out, quickly picked up. Agent w/ confiscated weapons. CU of flare gun, flashlight, cigarette lighter all adapted as weapon. Canes as guns. 22:55:10 Washington, DC Headquarters laboratory established under Oleomargarine Act of 1886. Alcohol & Tobacco Tax Division was first concerned w/ butter; then expanded to alcohol & narcotics. 22:56:02 Summary scenes 22:56:24 Credits, The End. Internal Revenue Service; Crime; Criminals; 1950s; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: