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1956 ca - Americana: Educational Film - Salvage Racket, The

Reel Number: 221772-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s,1956

Country: USA


TC Begins: 04:00:01

TC Ends: 04:21:23

Duration: 00:21:22

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Main titles & text intro by Hoover offering FBI training to law enforcement officers. 04:00:54 1956 Chevrolet sedan towards & past camera on country road. CU stop sign. Wreckage. Tow truck pulling it into salvage or junk yard / auto wrecking company, past MCU smiling man writing in notebook. 104:01:24 MCU SOF State policeman at desk: “Well that hardly looks like the beginning of a successful car theft operation does it? ...almost... pulls out file folder, talks about “car theft racket” one every 2 1/2 minutes. 04:02:34 Night, Buick cruising neighborhood street, man gets out & jimmies window of similar Chevrolet, CU other man watching, enters car, jumps key & drives off followed by Buick on suburban residential street. Large garage door opens, cars enter & door closed. 04:03:43 Sedan w/ four men pulls up & man out & walks into junk yard & w/ owner looks at wrecked 1964 Chevrolet; gives bills / money to owner & takes off serial number & motor number, CUs & writes them down. Gets title. 04:05:24 MS mechanic working on stolen Chevrolet in garage grinding off old identification number & changes serial number. Cleaning out car. 04:06:09 MS State policeman SOF: ...now w/ identification change complete the doctored stolen car is ready for market. Cars along country road, state line sign. Men looking at cars at automobile auction. Thief sells car before auction; buyer gets title & drives to his used car lot; decides to check numbers - sees clean id numbers & calls police. 04:09:28 State policeman on phone while FBI agent sitting. SOF & leaving to investigate. Talks w/ buyer at used car lot, checks out motor number, look for finger prints & clues - make notes. 04:12:19 Look closely at car in State Police garage (no sign). Return to police office after finding hidden i.d. number; FBI agent calls & asks for check on license tag number, motor number & serial number. 04:14:07 CU hands typing on teletype machine. 04:14:23 CU Sign: Dept. of Motor Vehicles. Int. woman looking at teletype printout, tears off. Woman at file cabinet pulls folder. FBI dialing rotary telephone. Dissolve to... 04:15:32 CU hand holding 1956 Manual for the Identification of Automobiles compiled by National Automobile Theft Bureau... FBI taking notes; returns to police office. SOF re having cast made of i.d. numbers. Leave to visit insurance company that paid on the car. 04:16:30 Talking (MOS) to woman, make notes of salvage dealer. 04:16:57 Walk across junkyard w/ owner, look at sales record book, MCUs. LS walking to Chevrolet, see fingerprints, find serial number plate missing, MS. Agents car to store fronts, into barber shop & another. 04:18:51 State policeman, SOF: Well that ended it, we had all the information we needed & we got it the only way it can be gotten: careful examination...close cooperation between all levels of law enforcement... FBI explains outcome. 04:19:55 3 cars of FBI & police into garage parking lot for raid. FBI summarizes re quick intelligent police action. The End. Crime; Thieves; Thief; Criminals; Stereotypes; Americana; Cops; Propaganda; Educational Film; 1950s Instructional Films; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Used Car Lot; NOTE: Entire or partial sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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