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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250084-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1958
Country: USA,USSR
Location: afb,California,Nebraska,Offut AFB,Omaha,Travis
TC Begins: 22:00:17
TC Ends: 22:28:27
Duration: 00:28:10
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. 22:00:40 Aerials of B-52 bomber w/ contrail just above clouds. 22:01:07 Title. 22:01:14 CU Flashing red light, pulls away & reveals its a red car’s tail light; driving on four-lane highway; pulls up to Travis AFB entrance. POV from behind driver Commander Major Paul Dobbins, B52G bomber, walks into building “Peace is their profession”. Out to planes. 22:02:34 Int. w/ briefing lecture, CU weather board; MCU crew members listening. Man in front of board w/ KC-135 fuel planes listed. Pulls large map across & briefs on flight route, pointing to Spokane, Washington area. Dismisses crews, out & into cars & to tarmac in motorcade to field entrance & planes. 22:04:21 Sentry in front of plane; rocket under wing of lane, crew up into plane & motors started, pilot, tower clearing & B52 begins taxii run, turn; POV from cockpit & CUs of pilot. Plane taking off from beneath plane & wheels up - heavy black smoke. 22:06:49 Int. Pilot, Major Dobbins, & Co-Pilot, Captain Peter Scott, Navigator Capt. Jack Evans; Lt. Ralph Kochaver (sp?) Defensive Systems Operator; Senior Master Sgt Jeff Peppers, tail gunner; Major Al Johnson, bombardier. CUs 22:07:51 MS Controller. MLS aerial of B52. Mountain peaks above clouds. Low aerial over radar station on plateau w/ snow; Dewline w/ geodesic dome, pan around. 22:09:05 Air to air MS of radar plane w/ hump above & behind wings above aircraft carrier. 22:09:19 3 geodesic domes on platform in Texas Gulf. 22:09:23 ICBM rocket launched & followed by camera, separation. 22:10:26 ICBM on stand in front of Offut AFB, Omaha, people entering. Int. w/ men at electronic console panels, mounted video monitors, wall map & man plotting areas of patrol missions. CU & MCU men listening on telephones, picking up phones; man recording position / locations. 22:11:42 MCU pilot looking; K-135 tanker w/ refueling probe extended & B-52 approaching & refueling. View to B52 from tanker. 22:12:36 B52,, CU pilot, CU watch during practice training mission. Aerial from below B52, very close. Navigator planning firing of decoy missiles, dropped & seen from plane. Radar scope & bombardier; missiles beneath plane & simulated launching, dropping. Nuclear explosions from high altitude w/ explosions. GOOD 22:15:59 CUs of crew, ext of B52 from left below. ECUs of crew. Bombardier in MCU, CU hand on stick; ext of B52. CU radar scope, crew, gauge, bomb bay doors open, from below. 22:17:39 B52 above clouds from front & slightly above. CU crew & controller; pilot naps. Awaken for standby alert. 22:19:03 Officer opens binder, pushes red button & picks up red telephone; klaxon; crews run out of barracks to vehicles & to runways, prepare planes; LS B47s & B52s taxiing & taking off off. Morocco & Arabs watch. Int of planes. Aerials of various planes in flight. 22:21:54 Interior of electronic mapping room for ballistic missiles; ICBM w/ gantry removed. B52 navigator; Hound dog missiles under B52. Underground Command Post w/ television cameras; men at consoles, turning on tv. Map w/ mission route. Planes in flight. CU wristwatch. Planes & pilot, fingers crossed. Relaxing. 22:27:48 The End w/ credits of thanks. Produced by Boeing. Strategic Air Command; Anti-Communism; Cold War Propaganda; Nuclear Missions; 1950s; NOTE: Any consecutive 15 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: