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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221723-41
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1959,1950s
Country: USA
Location: Limestone,Loring AFB,Maine
TC Begins: 06:53:59
TC Ends: 07:02:48
Duration: 00:08:49
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1959 - Color, Cold War, USA: Airborne Alert Title. 06:54:14 ICBM missile launch. B-52 taxiing on snowy runway. Take off overhead. Runway with planes in front of hangers & on tarmac. 45th Air Division of 8th Air Force. 06:54:55 Animated illustration, map & showing flight patterns of 24 B52 bombers, 12 KC135 tankers of SAC & communication participating in 3-month Operation Headstart. 06:56:07 AF officer at desk on telephone & looking at chart. Annotates chart. 06:56:29 Flight crews briefed by officer at podium labeled Secret. MCUs listening & briefing officers talking. 06:57:02 Crew pre-flight check of plane: motors, controls. Large tractor moving plane; crews working during cold, de-icing. Working on plane, loading guns w/ combat ammunition, bomb moved into bomb-bay & arming system checked out. 06:58:25 Crew out of barracks, into bus & to dining hall. Eating special meal. 06:58:47 Weather officer preparing for briefing; crew into pre-take-off briefing. CU officer; men listening & smoking. Crew leaves briefing room; pick up meals for in-flight & leave w/ bags & boxes. 07:00:02 Crew off bus & to aircraft, flight-line review & boarding. Plane taxiing out. 07:00:45 CU tower control intercut w/ plane taking off w/ rockets on wing-tips; past camera w/ black smoke. 07:01:19 Command post w/ men at console & charts on wall. B-52 in flight. 07:01:28 Crew in plane wearing oxygen & moving about in airplane; navigator working. Crew drinking to replace fluids. 07:02:16 Command post. 07:02:31 Preparing in-flight meals. Cold War; 1950s Strategic Air Command Patrolling; Nuclear Patrol; Color; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: