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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250204-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1961
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 05:18:31
TC Ends: 05:25:45
Duration: 00:07:14
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1961 - Color, Astronauts: Shepard Receives NASA Distinguished Service Medal, 08May61 Slate: Astronaut Shepard Camera: Fekte. 05:18:41 MS Television cameraman looking thru NBC WRC-TV Channel 4 camera outside White House. Military officer on switchboard telephone set up at foot of White House steps. MCU. TV camera panning; CU. 05:19:15 Military helicopter & President Kennedy greeting man, woman & four astronauts. Helicopter leaves as Astronauts & wives walk towards W.H. Handshaking w/ Kennedys & VP Johnson. 05:20:18 JFK on W.H. porch at mic (MOS) w/ astronauts; presents NASA Distinguished Service Medal for his Mercury flight to Shepard. Walking inside. 05:20:49 Inside w/ JFK & others, seated, talking. 05:21:03 Slate: same. 05:21:08 Motorcade thru W.H. gates & up Pennsylvania Avenue w/ Shepard & wife on back of open car waving. POV past crowds. Newsreel cameramen in back of truck. 05:23:26 Arrival at Capitol, greetings. HA of crowd & VIPs up steps, into Capitol. 05:23:53 Inside w/ ?? at microphone. LBJ at mic (MOS). Shepard at mic. 05:24:34 Leaving seated in car & leaving W.H. past NBC TV trucks. 05:25:00 Wife & ?? w/ other women. 05:25:08 Shepard & other astronauts to podium. Large group in NASA HQ . MCU of astronauts. Celebrities; Astronauts; Honors; Awards; 1965; Hero; Medals; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: