Titles. Pt 1 of 2
15:52:57 Montage: Brandenburg Gate, sign: You are leaving the American sector... man crossing street, CU headline, Daily News U.S. Trades Spy to Soviet for Our U-2 Pilot. Still photograph looking across bridge beside sign: ...leaving the American Sector... in Newsweek w/ pictures of Rudolf Abel aka William Fischer & ??.
15:53:24 CU Abel, tilt down front of building, sidewalk & traffic.
15:53:35 Int. Ovinoton Building board of offices w/ Goldfus, E. Rm 505. Inteior of office or apartment. Abel out of car & escorted into court or jail. GOOD
15:54:05 Montage: Demonstrators running; protesters w/ placards in Tokyo.
15:54:19 European city back street fountain, taxi & man out “..Soviet agent has met a contact...bribed...” Leaves.
15:54:49 Montage: Sidewalk cafe, winter, & blonde woman & man having wine, holding hands; man at next table w/ hidden camera. Air to air of airliner, interior & people talking over wine, business card given to tipsy man.
15:55:36 SOF Man giving DOD / Department of Defense briefing to civilians w/ security clearances telling them to report anything exploitable...
15:56:29 Man smoking, thinking & VO of his thoughts. “what’s more exciting than a spy thriller...” Describes USA protections being left behind as he goes overseas on business. Visuals of policeman on street, man in phone booth, CU page of telephone book to FBI, woman filing document in safe. Man to home w/ briefcase, wife greets, kiss; hands him passport. Checking in at airport, CU walking w/ wife thru airport, goodbye kiss. CU sign: Passengers Only Beyond This Point. Plane takeoff.
15:58:54 Taxi arriving at hotel (?) & man pays & enters. Leaving next morning.
15:59:30 Sitting at drafting board, watched by foreign military official. Returning to hotel. CU from inside room as he enters, turns on light. Room has been ransacked, drawers pulled out, painting on wall at angle; dials phone.
16:00:15 US military officer, SOF: Then, as far as you know nothing was taken?” Discuss classified documents. The two meet w/ US security official, discuss what lengths they’ll go to... PIctures of UN & bugging device w/ Henry Cabot Lodge showing & explaining. Continued...
Cold War; Spies; Spying Techniques; Adultery; 1964; 1960s; Anti-Communism; Stereotypes; Stereotyping; Secrets; Security Clearance;
NOTE: Any 13 continuous minutes of 15:52:35 - 16:17:25 (2 cards) sold at per reel rate. VERY GOOD sequence of Rudolf Abel.
Titles. Pt 1 of 2 15:52:57 Montage: Brandenburg Gate, sign: You are leaving the American sector... man crossing street, CU headline, Daily News U.S. Trades Spy to Soviet for Our U-2 Pilot. Still photograph looking across bridge beside sign: ...leaving the American Sector... in Newsweek w/ pictures of Rudolf Abel aka William Fischer & ??. 15:53:24 CU Abel, tilt down front of building, sidewalk & traffic. 15:53:35 Int. Ovinoton Building board of offices w/ Goldfus, E. Rm 505. Inteior of office or apartment. Abel out of car & escorted into court or jail. GOOD 15:54:05 Montage: Demonstrators running; protesters w/ placards in Tokyo. 15:54:19 European city back street fountain, taxi & man out “..Soviet agent has met a contact...bribed...” Leaves. 15:54:49 Montage: Sidewalk cafe, winter, & blonde woman & man having wine, holding hands; man at next table w/ hidden camera. Air to air of airliner, interior & people talking over wine, business card given to tipsy man. 15:55:36 SOF Man giving DOD / Department of Defense briefing to civilians w/ security clearances telling them to report anything exploitable... 15:56:29 Man smoking, thinking & VO of his thoughts. “what’s more exciting than a spy thriller...” Describes USA protections being left behind as he goes overseas on business. Visuals of policeman on street, man in phone booth, CU page of telephone book to FBI, woman filing document in safe. Man to home w/ briefcase, wife greets, kiss; hands him passport. Checking in at airport, CU walking w/ wife thru airport, goodbye kiss. CU sign: Passengers Only Beyond This Point. Plane takeoff. 15:58:54 Taxi arriving at hotel (?) & man pays & enters. Leaving next morning. 15:59:30 Sitting at drafting board, watched by foreign military official. Returning to hotel. CU from inside room as he enters, turns on light. Room has been ransacked, drawers pulled out, painting on wall at angle; dials phone. 16:00:15 US military officer, SOF: Then, as far as you know nothing was taken?” Discuss classified documents. The two meet w/ US security official, discuss what lengths they’ll go to... PIctures of UN & bugging device w/ Henry Cabot Lodge showing & explaining. Continued... Cold War; Spies; Spying Techniques; Adultery; 1964; 1960s; Anti-Communism; Stereotypes; Stereotyping; Secrets; Security Clearance; NOTE: Any 13 continuous minutes of 15:52:35 - 16:17:25 (2 cards) sold at per reel rate. VERY GOOD sequence of Rudolf Abel.