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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220523-18
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1965
Country: Canada,USA
Location: New York City,NYC,Ontario,Quebec
TC Begins: 19:33:10
TC Ends: 19:35:54
Duration: 00:02:44
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1965 - Disasters, USA Technology: The Big Blackout. 09Nov65 Intertitle: The Big Blackout. 19:33:14 Canadian hydroelectric dam, spillways, power lines & towers / pylons. CUs transformers (?), insulators, towers & wires. 19:33:35 Good night shots New York skyline & Times Square / streets w/ lights. 19:33:44 Montage: LIghted candles; policeman directing traffic; cars driving on unlit streets, heavy traffic; traffic police; eating / dining by candlelight; writing lists; subway w/ people walking down steps; full moon. 19:34:20 Illuminated / lighted George Washington bridge. CUs traffic on bridge & roadway. Policeman w/ battery-powered megaphone. 19:34:45 Line / queue at telephone box. Crowds trying to get home, into cab. People who could not get home playing cards & sleeping in hotel lobby, sitting on stairs & smiling / laughing. 19:35:12 Daylight - NY rooftops; skyline from river. Lines of people waiting & boarding buses. Traffic into city; crowds of pedestrians walking to work. 19:35:45 NIght, lighted NY ferry w/ Manhattan skyline w/ lights in windows behind. 1960s; Power Failure; Grid Collapse; Daily Life; Street Scenes; NOTE: If requested will provide 19:33:10 - 19:38:56 (3 cards) at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: