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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221557-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1966,1960s
Country: USA
Location: Berkeley,California,Florida,Illinois,San Francisco,Springfield,Tampa Bay
TC Begins: 01:34:28
TC Ends: 01:46:33
Duration: 00:12:05
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pan over city. People crossing street in winter coats 01:34:57 Title: Access America 01:35:02 Int. & ext. montage MCU bellys / stomachs of two overweight people passing; skateboard w/ feet & lower legs; feet up onto curb of young, old & man on crutches, wagon of groceries pulled over, child trips. 01:35:31 Girl pushed in pram, man w/ cane on bench. Man in motorized wheelchair; man w/ walker, other pedestrians. 01:35:53 Illinois monument; aerial of State Capitol, Springfield, Illinois. Sidewalk ramps after renovation in various views. Int. View of old Capitol & parking garage entrance. 01:36:58 High angle / HA Horace Mann Educators Insurance Co. closer shot entrance ramped sidewalk. 01:37:27 Zoom out shot from entrance gate to Berkeley University campus w/ students walking in & out; student in motorized chair, pedestrians walking on plazas, pedestrians. Ramps. Bicycles in stands, woman in motorized chair past. 01:38:34 Ext. University Art Museum w/ entrance ramp. Int. w/ no steps, ramp, elevator. 01:39:24 CU sign: Welcome to Walt Disney World (and entrance times). Views on grounds w/ people in wheel chairs, crutches among others walking about. View from aerial tram. Entering on monorail w/ wheelchair; excursion boat ramp. Monorail past. 01:40:51 BART train into station. POV of interior of car; view out window from raised tracks & station. Elevators, turnstiles. Train leaving station. Parking signs re special plates for handicapped required, etc. Parking lot views 01:42:08 Tampa International Airport w/ computerized people movers. POV from front. Wide doors shown w/ people getting off & on. Lighted signs. People in waiting room, low telephones for wheel chair use. Northwest Airlines 747 landing. LS. 01:43:34 Ronald Nace, North Carolina architect in wheel chair talks about universally accessible needs for transit systems, buildings, SOF while looking at drawings. 01:46:05 MS feet onto crosswalk ramps. Credits. City Planning; Building Designs; 1960s; 1966; Amusement Parks; Educational Films; Subways; Disabled; Crippled; Handicapped; Accessibility; NOTE: Entire reel sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: