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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221727-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1967
Country: North Vietnam,USA
Location: DC,Detroit,Michigan,New Jersey,newark,Washington
TC Begins: 13:36:17
TC Ends: 13:45:14
Duration: 00:08:57
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1967 - Johnson re Detroit & Newark Riots; Press Conference on Bombing Near China Border, 18Aug67 03Aug67 President Johnson walking w/ Cyrus Vance & General John Throckmorton enroute to report on Detroit riot conditions. 13:36:40 Aerial over burning & burned out rubble of city blocks from riots. LBJ VO over army jeep thru streets; arrests. 13:37:32 LBJ walking w/ Vance etc. (title over). 13:37:47 CU hand taking notes; LBJ VO “for the last half hour I have met w/ Secretary Vance & Gen. Throckmorton, CUs of each. CU LBJ & narrator VO talking of newly appointed riot commission & Congressional cuts of Model Cities Prorgram, Rent subsidies, school aid, rat control. W.H. ext. & Interior of Oval Office, LBJ on telephone. Ext of Johnson talking w/ advisors (?). 13:39:06 Launching fighters from aircraft carrier & bombings w/ explosions (GOOD). Narrator re another review of the war in Vietnam...struck hard at 30 mile buffer zone along Chinese frontier. 13:40:08 LBJ in Oval office talking (MOS) w/ McNamara. MS. 13:40:38 18Aug67 Montage: Setting lights & cameras for televised press conference, LBJ walking to conference. 13:40:57 CU LBJ SOF: “Our policy in Vietnam is the same. We are there to deter aggression. We are there to permit to the people of South Vietnam, to determine for themselves, who their leader should be & what kind of a government they should have. It is remarkable that a young country fighting a tough war on its own soils has moved so far so fast. (edit) 13:41:28 “I have participated in a good many. I have never known one where there weren’t some who questioned the efficiency of the election...(edit) We do that in this country. You will expect more of it in a young country....will cooperate in the essential work that is ahead of them.” (edited) 13:42:06 Reporter question: “...lead editorial calls your permission to bomb within 10 miles of China a dangerous escalation of the bombing which could lead to war with China...” 13:42:25 LBJ reply: “First I would like to make it clear that these air strikes are not intended as any threat to Communist China....strikes were made against the major military staging areas...’ (edited). 13:43:06 LBJ explains steps that led to Gulf of Tonkin resolution - paraphrased by narrator. 13:43:20 “The remedy is there if we have acted unwisely or improperly. It will be tougher as it gets along. The longer the fighting lasts, the more sacrifice is required in men & materiel; the more difficult it is going to be. But I don’t believe we are acting beyond our constitutional responsibility.” 13:43:46 23Aug67 LBJ in cabinet room selecting team of 20 to travel to South Vietnam & view final election days. MCU Henry Cabot Lodge; w/ LBJ. 13:44:22 CU small boy w/ AAU patch on blazer giving birthday present to LBJ on 59th birthday, then LBJ in to speak to ?? 13:45:05 LBJ walking w/ Shah of Iran outside White House. Presidential Activities; Vietnam War Escalation; NOTE: Sell at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: