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1980s - USSR Military: Training & Weapons & Equipment

Reel Number: H1951-05

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1980s,1990s

Country: USSR


TC Begins: 02:12:56

TC Ends: 02:37:04

Duration: 00:24:08

Soviet military banners & effects; CUs. Title. 02:13:43 USSR tanks / armored personnel carriers BMP-1 APC & T-72s along road, in military column & int views. Crew riding w/ heads out of hatches. Aerials of column; encampment. View on ground. 02:15:02 Four soldiers marching; troops running; CU firing bolt action rifles. Lecture & instructor explaining equipment to officers class. Military students reading in library & classes. 02:16:10 Crew runs to BMP-1s, climb in & across field & mud. POVs. CUs crew faces. Crew working on maintenance, talking. CUs. 02:17:30 Officers in camouflage under netting. ZSU 23-4 self-propelled AA guns w/ crew; various views from air & ground, exterior & interior. Firing & explosions around ZSU 23-4 moving forward. Fighter planes overhead, soldiers running ahead of vehicles. POV from military vehicle. 02:19:51 MI-24 Hinds helicopters overhead, circling. View from helicopter, bombs dropped in water. Vehicles on barge crossing water w/ camouflage boughs on top. Other tanks on barges, out of water 02:21:26 Various planes, ships firing rockets & missiles including ICBM. 02:21:55 Tank guided over soldiers on ground; run & fall to ground & tanks over. 02:22:32 Tank into water, view inside as water comes in, men put on breathing masks, leave tank & helped onto boat, smiling in CUs. 02:23:19 Troops w/ rifles run across flames, over burning obstacle course. CUs soldiers. 02:24:36 Pictures of military heroes & at memorial ceremony in Red Square? Burning flame. Pan soldiers (poor quality as picture tears). Rocket as monument; bust of Lenin. Waving crowds & rocket trucks, tanks thru winter snow. Trucks pulling artillery; rocket / missile carriers. Helicopters over & view from above & ground as trucks move / plow thru deep snow. Men raise large portable bridge. 02:27:26 Officers & VIP civilian men meet & shake hands. Helicopter over ZSU 23-4 across snow while firing. Maneuvers of various weapons fired in snow, CUs loading & firing. Infantry in trenches, rockets/missiles aimed. 02:29:07 Equipment loaded on helicopter. Tanks & troops & ?? in winter snow maneuvers. Officers on telephone; headlines of Russian newspapers. Men in tents; wind blowing snow; troops run to long row of MI-24 Hinds; troops briefed & run to APC; interior w/ troops & crew. Command position. 02:31:31 Troops march / parade on forest road. 02:31:47 Truck arrives w/ large SAM, officers watch men mount it onto launcher; CUs men watching. 02:32:46 Various small vehicles thru deep snow; man talking & gesturing. 02:33:21 Troop march to & board MI-24 Hinds; board other equipment in falling snow. Vehicles past in snow. Flowers. Blood pressure taken, eyes in CU, buttons pushed, tape recorder taking up; listening w/ headphones. Medical tests taken. Monument of rocket w/ eternal flame; troops visiting. Troops parading. Cold War; Military Personnel; 1980s; 1990s; NOTE: Source was video, some lag evident., poor quality. Montage of quick shots for most part. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.

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