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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221255-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1984
Country: USA
Location: Oval Office,White House
TC Begins: 20:05:42
TC Ends: 20:06:54
Duration: 00:01:12
1984 - Color, President Reagan: Telephone Congratulating Women Olympic Athletes. 14Feb84 MCU talking to Debbie Armstrong of Salem, Oregon, Giant Slalom winner. “ are an inspiration to our young people. They can reach the top by excellence. America will be cheering you again in the downhill...” Reagan sitting looking down at papers on desk top (neutral shot, could be talking about anything). 20:06:13 Speaks w/ Christine Cooper, Ketchum, Idaho winner of Silver Medal in Giant Slalom. “We know the painful injury you had to’re a real profile in courage.” 1980s American Government; Presidency; Daily Life; Sports; Olympic Winners; NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library. NOTE: Ask for pricing when combining short Reagan source reels.