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1990 - Colour, USA Military Aircraft: F/A-18 Hornet, Marine Promotional Film - Strike Fighter

Reel Number: 200575-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1990

Country: USA


TC Begins: 04:03:26

TC Ends: 04:13:58

Duration: 00:10:32

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Title w/ F/A-18 Hornet in flight over desert mountains behind camera plane w/ VMFA-333 & tiger patch & those of many other units superimposed. 04:04:11 View up thru clouds to blue sky & sun. 04:04:24 Telephoto shot from desert floor of mountains; LS from mountains across desert. Bird; lizard, approaching storm & jet fighter planes fly-by. CU scorpion running on sand. 04:04:51 Montage: Two men in control room w/ Colour lights on screens; two fighter jest flying past; CU rattle snake w/ tongue & rattles shaking. Men listening to briefing intercut w/ planes flying, men suiting up. 04:05:30 Main Title. 04:05:35 Montage of arming Marine aircraft & F-18 Cobra taking off. Variety of shots & number of armed planes. Air to air. POV thru rocky draw. Four planes making target run; CUs, dogfighting; firing rockets, target plane exploding in CU. 04:07:50 F/A-18 Hornet fighter squadron (?) behind refueling plane above clouds. Ground support units on telephone. 04:08:30 Title re deploy to forward airfield to provide air support... 04:08:41 Montage: F/A-18s; various helicopters over desert mountains w/ marines. Marines moving. Briefing of pilots. Helicopters kicking up dust; tanks moving; firing; marines running on ground; explosions; pilots to planes, up ladders into cockpits & signaled for taxiing & take off w/ after burners. Marines in tents tracking, talking. 04:11:36 Armed planes in flight air-to-air GOOD CUs. Marines on ground watching w/ binoculars ; planes diving, bombs & rockets fired & exploding. GOOD. 04:12:58 Tanks across desert; helicopters low across; craters; F/A-18s overhead & marine gives thumbs up. 04:13:22 Title: For more than 75 years Marine Aviation Has Been There To Provide Air Support For The Marine Rifleman. 04:13:32 Marines running across desert from helicopter w/ rifles. Title: “Today’s Marine Fighter Attack Squadrons Carry On This Tradition...” Two F/A-18 fighters swoop over desert. Jet Fighter Aircraft; Self Promotional Documentary Film; Impressionistic Montage Style; F/A-18A NOTE: F/A-18 introduced 07Jan83. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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