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Go to HomepageReel Number: H0882-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1990s,2000s
Country: Iraq,USA
Location: Persian Gulf
TC Begins: 10:18:21
TC Ends: 10:26:33
Duration: 00:08:12
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1990s - 2000s - Color, USA Naval Aviation: USS John C. Stennis w/ F-18s & F-14s Flight deck activity w/ crewmen lifting bombs onto F-18 & fuzing; moving bombs under plane wing & repeating. MCUs & CUs. 10:20:05 Black 10:20:07 Men in white coats w/ radio-telephones watching landings of F-18s or F-14s . CU crewman in green sweatshirt. CU Jolly Rogers Tomcat patch. Strike Fighter Squadron 103 / VF 103 10:21:26 Black 10:21:28 Aerial F-18 above clouds w/ wing-tip mounted missiles & tail hook hanging; aerial following low approaching aircraft carrier. 10:22:12 POV View of screen markings during landing approach & landing on carrier. GOOD. 10:22:50 Black 10:22:54 Aerials low over USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) w/ planes filling flight deck. 10:23:21 Rear view of F-14 Tomcat w/ afterburners firing, catapulted off into sunrise on coastal fog 10:23:58 Black 10:24:00 SOF Night aircraft carrier deck activity. Day catapult launch of F-18s; plane onto catapult & jet blast deflector raised; pilot lays back & plane launched. 10:25:01 Black 10:25:03 MS Launch crew signaling; high angle / HA of F-18 catapulted. 10:25:19 Black 10:25:21 Aerial F-18 & missile dropped, in flight. Video POV & impact on target (explosion not seen). 10:25:52 Black 10:25:55 Aerial from rear quarter & beneath of F-18 w/ missiles under wings (some glass reflection). Fighter Jet Aircraft; Naval Operations; Iraq War; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate or may be combined w/ other short films to total maximum of 10 minutes at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: