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1990s - Color, US Military Training: Army Rangers, Airborne Parachuting In Desert Mountains

Reel Number: H1851-04

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1990s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 06:16:24

TC Ends: 06:32:56

Duration: 00:16:32

See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1990s - Color, US Military Training: Army Rangers, Airborne Parachuting In Desert Mountains Rangers, Airborne preparing parachutes on tarmac, four-engine plane behind. One assists another buckling up straps, rifle, knife, helmet, etc. 06:20:41 CU shoulder patch: Ranger Airborne, 1st BN, 7th Inf. MCU helmet of Heckman, adjusting. Loaded troops inspected. 757 plane in background. 06:23:00 Men put on face paint / camouflage. 06:23:53 Black 06:23:56 Men sitting in plane, standing getting instructions, attached to static line. Instructions, signals. 06:25:37 Black 06:25:39 Jumping out door. CUs of attachments on line. Lines pulled in. 06:26:07 Black 06:26:10 Plane in flight & paratroops dropping & parachutes opening, descending - seen from air & ground. Descend behind trees. 06:27:07 Black 06:27:09 Cactus & other desert plants; zoom in to soldier in shade of mesquite. CU thorns. Soldier w/ rifle walking, descending; men on radio heard. 06:28:30 Troops on rocks on field telephone; CU shoulder patch. Talking about attacking convoy (training mission). Soldier sighting w/ Javelin surface to air missile. Fighter jet diving thru draw between rocky peaks. 06:31:14 CU Marine sighting w/ laser sight as jet makes passes. 06:31:56 Black 06:31:59 Soldiers moving on rocky hillside slowly thru rocks. War Preparations; Weapons; 1990s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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