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Action at Angaur R3 of 3

Reel Number: 220414-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944

Country: Japan,Pacific,Palau,USA

Location: Angaur Island,Pacific,Palau group,PELELIU

TC Begins: 06:35:08

TC Ends: 06:44:00

Duration: 00:08:52

Action at Angaur R3 of 3 Soldiers swimming, bathing, cooking & eating in camp - playing w/ goat. Playing portable phonograph by hand. 06:35:49 321st leaving Angaur for Peleliu Island, boarding ship & ship leaving. Troops cutting way thru Angaur jungle - aviation engineers felling trees etc to make airstrip. Bulldozer & rollers working strip. 06:36:33 Reconnaissance planes take off from jungle airstrip. Explains the tactics for securing Angaur’s "Suicide Hill”. Troops moving up, CU - tanks - radio transmission between tanks as they move up. Damaged tanks moved up. Casualties rescued by stretcher under sniper fire. Infantry moved off road as tank prepares to be blasted. 06:39:47 2nd Battalion moving up - thru jungle - field telephone calls for mortar. MCU mortars fired, explosions; artillery; 06:41:10 Night fire - American casualties, medics w/ wounded on stretchers on jeeps. 06:42:03 Regimental Commander Colonel Venable hit during action being tended by medics in field hospital - blood transfusion. CU faces of men looking tired - more casualities. 06:43:23 A Treasury Department trailer urges the purchase of war bonds over pictures of GIs. WWII Pacific War; Fighting; Battles;

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