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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1532-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Philippines,USA
Location: Cabanatuan,Lingayen Gulf,Luzon,Manila,Pacific
TC Begins: 12:00:12
TC Ends: 12:09:19
Duration: 00:09:07
WWII - 1945, Philippines: Landing to Manila Montage: convoy shots; animated map showing advance from Leyte to Luzon; 09Jan49 variety of landing craft landing on Luzon from Lingayen Gulf unopposed. Relief map. Landing troops in sunshine greeted by waving Filipinos on beach. MCUs, hand shaking. Jeeps & trucks w/ troops along road. 12:01:18 CU native Filipino guerillas holding American flag; saluting. Taking oath. Marching. Filipino guerillas given clothes & rifles / arms. Marching w/ flags; waving. GIs riding oxen & marching out of village. Women passing out bottles of beer. MCU people watching GIs riding vehicles & equipment. 12:02:27 Animated relief map of American advance. Mountains w/ planes bombing at low levels, guided by radio telephone (SOF). Napalm explosion. 12:03:29 Infantry in trees talking (SOF) around map, planning artillery fire & advance. CU signaling artillery fire. Montage of firing & explosions. Chaplain giving blessing. Smoking hillside & infantry advances up. Carry wounded on stretcher. 12:05:12 Animated map towards Cabanatuan. CUs of American POW. Troops / Rangers cross river & thru bamboo or cane. 12:05:39 CU padlock on Japanese POW Camp barbed wire & post gate; shot open. MCU Freed US & Filipino Bataan Prisoners of War marching along road wave to camera; some riding in trucks, crossing wide shallow river. 12:06:40 Relief map w/ advancing troops superimposed, thru villages, along road, past signs. 12:07:23 Relief map showing Manila w/ animated arrows of attack. Man w/ rifle next to sign: Picking Flowers Absolutely Prohibited. Troops thru hole in concrete wall, entering stadium. Heavy destruction & skirmish inside w/ tanks across baseball infield, firing. Wounded carried across. 12:08:23 Street fighting w/ artillery; troops run from doorways, gesturing & firing. Dog tag / identification cut off of dead Japanese on street. Firing from within building; dead GI in street below. WW2 Fighting; Philippines; Manila; Battles; History of War; NOTE: GOOD quality & action.