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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1658-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: Korea,USA
TC Begins: 10:00:05
TC Ends: 10:27:56
Duration: 00:27:51
Title montage. 10:00:41 CU globe & Capt. Carl Zimmerman to camera SOF: “What happens in one day of war...fighting as a team, using fire-power against manpower.” 10:01:26 Montage: POV on tank thru snow & mud following other armored vehicles; view crossing rice paddy dike w/ infantry following. Flame-thrower; officers at map; up hillside, rifleman firing down w/ rifle, bazooka, machine gun, artillery, halftrack, battleship, mortar, tank. Aerial bombing of mountain top w/ napalm. 10:02:24 Red Square & marching troops w/ bayonets. Artillery firepower, tracers, tanks up road, firing & infantry up slope fighting. Eighth Army tanks firing into mountain top. 10:03:13 Tanks column following bulldozer on narrow snowy road, towed. Large artillery fired, officer w/ binoculars watching. Tanks in fog. 10:03::39 M-1 Garand rifle fired; Browning rifle fired; Bazooka rocket launcher fired; machine gun firing; mortars; recoilless rifle fired; bomb to plane. 10:04:51 Troops advance on patrol, observers; artillery firing. Army observation plane “grasshopper”, aerials. Planes loaded w/ bombs; self-propelled artillery loaded & fired. Explosions. Armored Infantry move up firing. Man on phone at rear of tank. Battle & fighting. 10:09:02 Airstrip w/ F-51s, loading ammunition, rockets, napalm & refueling. Briefing CUs; into cockpit, start engines, taking off, Mustang formation overhead. POV bombing road & mountains. Firing rockets. Air - ground liaison. HR-12 helicopter landing, troops off, wounded onto evacuation chopper & taking off. Net w/ resupplies. 10:12:36 Trucks along gravel roads, soldiers resting, moving forward. Men study maps w/ stereo viewer. POV tank; tracked vehicle pulling artillery across stream. Montage, fighting. 10:13:34 United Nations officers looking at map on frame in field, MCU. General Ridgway into plane. 10:14:00 Armored Task Force Team montage, firing. Radar; communications van; troops in log emplacement; placing listening post microphones, cables, field telephone. Radiosonde released & tracked, technicians listening, radar dish & tracking. 10:15:55 Signal Corps wiring poles w/ telephone lines. Laying wire by plane, mules; carrier pigeons used. Forward command post, attaching message to pigeon. 10:17:40 Montage: fire mission. Army Engineer Corps roadwork / construction, building bridges. Searching for mines, defusing. Building mountain cable car tramway route. 10:20:17 Army airborne assault force montage: paratroops, supplies, planes, chutes inspected & folded; C-119 transports loaded w/ equipment on pallets; boarding, takeoff thru rear, aerials, cockpits, men jumping, run into action, firing weapons. 10:23:22 Zimmerman SOF to camera, introduces Colonel Robert Pridgin who explains Combat Team in Korean War & its weapons, & methods of fighting. End titles. NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Digibeta has been checked and is normal (much brighter than VHS)